Chapter_08.pdf (587.51 KB)
PDDM Chapter 8
- Section 8.1 General
- 8.1.1 Safety Philosophy
- 8.1.2 Safety Design Policy
- 8.1.3 Roadway Safety
- 8.1.4 Roadside Safety
- Section 8.2 Guidance and References
- Section 8.3 Investigation Process
- 8.3.1 Crash Data
- 8.3.2 Traffic Safety Studies
- Section 8.4 Safety Analysis
- 8.4.1 Crash Analysis
- 8.4.2 Existing Site Conditions Analysis
- 8.4.3 Existing Geometric Controlling Features Analysis
- 8.4.4 Evaluation of Pedestrian/Multi-Modal Facilities
- 8.4.5 Safety Evaluation Computer Programs
- 8.4.6 Road Safety Audits
- 8.4.7 Safety Evaluation Report
- Section 8.5 Safety Design
- 8.5.1 Design Exceptions
- 8.5.2 Defining the Clear Zone
- 8.5.3 Traffic Barriers
- 8.5.4 Crash Cushions and End Treatments
- 8.5.5 Traffic Calming
- 8.5.6 Evaluation of the Design for Weather Conditions
- 8.6.1 Traffic Demand
- 8.6.2 Highway Capacity
- 8.7.1 Signing and Delineation
- 8.7.2 Traffic Signals
- 8.7.3 Illumination
- 8.7.4 Highway-Rail Grade Crossings
- 8.7.5 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
- 8.8.1 Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Plan Development
- 8.8.2 Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Pavement Markings
- 8.8.3 Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Channelizing Devices
- 8.8.4 Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Barriers/End Treatments
- 8.8.5 Traffic Delays
- 8.8.6 Emergency Response Considerations