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Materials Testing Forms

Division Specific

Form Description
Central Federal Lands
FHWA 1600C Request for Laboratory Tests
Eastern Federal Lands
FHWA 1600E Request for Laboratory Tests
EFL MSA EFL Materials Submittal Addresses
Western Federal Lands
FHWA 1600W Request for Laboratory Tests

Aggregate and Soil

Form Description
FHWA 1627 Worksheet for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate AASHTO T 11 AND AASHTO T 27
FHWA 1616 Worksheet for Determining Moisture Content of Soil and Aggregates Using a Microwave Oven AASHTO T 255
FHWA 1618 Worksheet for In-place Nuclear / Moisture Density Testing AASHTO T 310
FHWA 1621 Worksheet for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse-Aggregate AASHTO T 11 and AASHTO T 27
FHWA 1624 Worksheet for Determining Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit of Soils AASHTO T 89 and T 90
FHWA 1625 Worksheet for Determining Moisture/Density Relationships AASHTO T 99 and T 180
FHWA 1626 Worksheet for Determining Sand Equivalent AASHTO T 176
FHWA 1636 Worksheet for Determining Correction for Coarse Particles in the Soil Compaction Test AASHTO T 99 and AASHTO T 180

Asphalt Concrete Pavement

Form Description
FHWA 1607 Worksheet for a Hveem Mix Design AASHTO T 246
FHWA 1611 Worksheet for Determining Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures AASHTO T 166 and T 269
FHWA 1622 Worksheet for a Marshall Mix Design AASHTO T 245
FHWA 1628 Worksheet for Determining Maximum Specific Gravity of Bituminous Paving Mixtures AASHTO T 209 (Flask Determination)
FHWA 1629 Worksheet for Determining Maximum Specific Gravity of Bituminous Paving Mixtures AASHTO T 209 (Bowl Determination)
FHWA 1639 Worksheet for Control of Asphalt Mixes AASHTO T 30, AASHTO T 176, AASHTO T 308, and ASTM D 5821
FHWA 1640 Worksheet for Ignition Furnace Binder Correction Factor and Aggregate Gradation Correction Factor AASHTO T 308
FHWA 1641 Worksheet for Asphalt Concrete Pavement by Gyratory Mix Design Method (AASHTO R 35)
FHWA 1642 Worksheet for Determining Volumetric Properties of Superpave Asphalt Concrete at Ndes AASHTO T 209, T 166, T 269, and R 35
FHWA 1646 Asphalt Control Strip Worksheet
FHWA 1647 0.45 Gradation Char
FHWA 1648 Worksheet for Ignition Furnace Binder Correction Factor and Aggregate Gradation Correction Factor for Mixes Including Rap
 Download FLH Addendum to AASHTO T 308

Portland Cement Concrete

Form Description
FHWA 1606 Minor Portland Cement Concrete Mix Design - Trial Batch Summary
FHWA 1608 552 Structural Concrete Mix Design Submittal
FHWA 1638 Worksheet for Determining Concrete Batch Moisture/Absorption Corrections


Form Description
FHWA 1612 Worksheet for Reporting Miscellaneous Tests
FHWA 1637 Construction Project Material Certification
SSG Sample Size Guidance