Our Commitment to Section 508
FHWA is committed to making its ICT accessible by meeting or exceeding the requirements of Section 508. Everyone plays a role in carrying out Section 508, from creating files to managing contracts. Ensuring access for individuals with disabilities is part of everybody's job.
- We include Section 508 standards in our procurement processes including:
- Conducting market research,
- Creating solicitations and awarding contracts,
- Evaluating and validating contractor deliverables and the purchasing of information and communication technology.
- We include Section 508 standards in our design, development and maintenance processes.
- We provide Section 508 technical assistance and perform conformance testing.
- We develop technical guidance, tools and resources to assist with Section 508 implementation throughout FHWA.
- We train FHWA employees on accessibility standards and conduct awareness initiatives that encourage staff to incorporate Section 508 standards early in the design and development phase of agency products and programs.
Our commitment to accessibility includes providing content and online resources through a central website that contains guidance, tools and training for employees on how to make their information and material conformant, as well as testing and evaluation tools. FHWA created a 508 Core Team to help develop and implement accessibility standards agency-wide on a continuing basis. For example, the 508 Core Team provides technical assistance, reviews Section 508 contractor compliance claims; tests web pages, apps, documents, email blasts and other ICT for conformance with Section 508.
Other Resources

Disclaimer: FHWA is committed to making its Information and Communication Technology (ICT) accessible by meeting the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The tools, resources, criteria and other items provided herein are for internal use by FHWA for ICT it procures, develops, maintains, and utilizes. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use by third parties of the information contained in this website. The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers' names appear on this website only because they are considered essential to the objective of the information.