Construction Paynote Examples

- Introduction - Cover, Forward, and Table of Contents
- Section 150: Project Requirements
- Section 200: Earthwork and Structural Embankments
- Section 300: Aggregate Courses
- Section 400: Asphalt Pavements and Surface Treatments
- Section 500: Bridge Construction
- Section 600: Incidental Construction
- Appendix A: Guidelines for Percent Payment
- Appendix B: Haul Vehicle Volume Calculations
- Appendix C: Water Truck Volume Calculations
- Appendix D: Asphalt Temperature Corrections
- Appendix E: Rebar Guidelines
- Appendix F: Pile Driving Example
- Appendix G: US-Metric Conversion Factors General
- Appendix H: Example of Contractors Invoice and Support Data
- Appendix I: Slope Stake Notes, Cross Section Examples, and Culvert Staking
EEBACS Construction Paynote Examples

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- Introduction - Cover, Forward, and Table of Contents
- Section 150: Project Requirements
- Section 200: Earthwork and Structural Embankments
- Section 300: Aggregate Courses
- Section 400: Asphalt Pavements and Surface Treatments
- Section 500: Bridge Construction
- Section 600: Incidental Construction
- Appendix A: Guidelines for Partial Payment
- Appendix B: Haul Vehicle Volume Calculations
- Appendix C: Water Truck Volume Calculations
- Appendix D: Volume Correction Factors for Asphalt
- Appendix E: Reinforcing Steel Weights and Marks
- Appendix F: Pile Driving Example
- Appendix G: Metric Conversion Factors General
- Appendix H: Example of Contractors Invoice and Support Data
- Appendix I: Slope Stake Notes, Cross Section Examples, and Culvert Staking
Last updated: Tuesday, January 7, 2020