HwyDesign Folder

The HwyDesign (Highway Design) folder is the working folder for PS&E Development in the Highway Design branch.
See Supplement for more information about the Highway Design folder structure and the Design Book.
The Design Book Index provides a checklist of typical files to include in each folder.

This folder contains the DGN files associated with the Design and Plan Sheets (major folder devoted to each).
Contains all files associated with the highway design software.
The Reports and Output Files subfolder contains working copies of the design reports (i.e. earthwork, clearing, slope stakes, etc.)
Plan Sheets
Contains all of the DGN used to create the project plan sheets. Provide a subfolder for each Section of the plan set.
This folder is the working area for creation of the project Special Contract Requirements (SCR).
See SCR Creation for further instructions.
10-Quantities EE CPM
The Quantities, Engineer's Estimate (EE), and Critical Path Method (CPM) folder consists of the following subfolders containing working documents for:
- Construction Schedule
- Engineers Estimate-Prices-UPA
- Quantity Calculations
20-Design Documentation
Reports that document the design including the Design Narrative and Highway Design Standards form.
30-PSE Package

These folders contain documents associated with milestone reviews. Typical review folders are included. Delete unused review folders (don't renumber the other folders). Unconventional review folders may be added.
Each milestone subfolder contains the following subfolders:
- A-QC PSE PS&E package for an internal review prior to the milestone review. Usually the Peer QC Review.
- B-QC Comments - comments made to the internal review PS&E package
- C-Milestone PSE PS&E package sent to Cross Functional Team and partners for reviews. This is the "snapshot" record at the milestone, and should be kept.
- D-Review Comments the milestone PS&E documents with comments from the review, including the resolution of those comments. The entire CFT has the ability to respond to the comments.
40-General Correspondence
Store all correspondence, principle contact information, letters, and media articles.
60-Des Deliverables to Const
Use the Design Deliverables to Construction folder for additional documentation not already provided at Signoff to Acquisitions but finalized for Construction. A Section 152 subfolder is provided for the Government Furnished Information listed in Section 152 of the SCR. See the PE Hold File Checklist for items to place in this folder.
See Supplement 9.6.6-2 for more information.