The project team is grateful to the Federal Highway Administration for their financial support of the program. The project team would also like to thank Nevada Office of Traffic Safety and Nevada Department of Transportation for providing matching funds for the program. Additionally, the following individuals and organizations are thanked for their support of the program and for providing the matching funds for the same: Denis Cederburg, Nalliah Rajah, Paul Judd, Kevin Futch and Kaizad Yazdani (Clark County Department of Public Works), OC White and Niel Rohleder (City of Las Vegas), Rudy Malfabon, Kent Sears, (Nevada Department of Transportation), Charles Abbott and Bruce Mackey (Nevada Office of Traffic Safety), Jacob Snow, Fred Ohene, Charity Fechter and Jerry Duke (Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada).
The authors are grateful to Tamara Redmon, Gabe Rousseau and Dan Nabors of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Jocelyn Bauer, Kelley Pecheux and their colleagues from SAIC, the independent evaluation contractor, for their support and guidance through out the duration of the project. Carl Rodriguez (FHWA) is thanked for his support and cooperation on administrative activities. Members of Executive Advisory Committee are thanked for their input and guidance. They include Jerry Duke of the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, OC White of City of Las Vegas Public Works Department, Shital Patel of City of Henderson Public Works Department, Kevin Futch of Clark County Department of Public Works, Mike Edwards of City of North Las Vegas Public Works Department, Kent Sears, Eric Glick, Kelly Anrig. Further, the contributions of Bill Young and his colleagues from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
The authors appreciate and recognize the invaluable efforts of key contributors and team members on the project: Natachai Wongchavalidkul, Maggie Saunders, Erin Breen and Dr. Ganesh Karke of UNLV Transportation Research Center. Thanks are also due to Benjamin Torella and Nimfa Valerio for their efforts in providing CAD drawings for the project. The assistance provided by Dr. Ashok Singh and Dr. Srinivas Pulugurtha are greatly acknowledged. The assistance and support provided by Mani Mani, Krishnakumar Vanjeswaran, Pankaj Maheswari, Sriram Balasubramanian and Vinay Virupaksha, of the UNLV Transportation Research Center are gratefully acknowledged.