Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety
Livable communities that support bicycling and walking are a high priority of the U.S. Department of Transportation. A livable community is one that provides safe and convenient transportation choices to all citizens, whether it's by walking, bicycling, transit, or driving. Each year, unfortunately, pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities comprise about 20 percent of all traffic fatalities with approximately 7,000 pedestrian deaths and 1000 bicyclist deaths. Another 60,000 pedestrians and 42,000 bicyclists are injured in roadway crashes annually. These numbers have been rising recently and this is unacceptable. Pedestrian and bicyclist safety improvements depend on an integrated approach that involves the 4 E's: Engineering, Enforcement, Education, and Emergency Services. The FHWA's Office of Safety develops projects, programs and materials for use in reducing pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities. All of these materials can be found here.
- Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP)
- Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Information Search Tool
- Pedestrian Safety Focus States and Cities
- Proven Safety Countermeasures
- Crash Facts
- Tools to Diagnose and Solve the Problem
- Education and Outreach
- Pedestrians and Transit
- Pedestrian Safety in Communities
- Hispanic Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety
- Legislation and Guidelines
- Research
- Webinar Information
- Related Websites