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FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Archived Hardware Eligibility Letters – NCHRP 350

These letters are archived and are posted for "historical and research purposes only" per the sunset dates in the AASHTO/FHWA Joint Implementation Agreement and exceptions to these dates as posted on the AASHTO Committee on Design website.

Letter Date Sort ascending Testing Manufacturer Hardware Type Device Description
WZ-180a NCHRP 350 Davidson Traffic Control Products

Davidson Traffic Control Products
Work Zone Devices Modified the A-frame support in WZ-180 to an O-frame for type 1 and type 2 parade style barricade.
LS-68 NCHRP 350 Shakespeare Products Luminaire Supports Shakespeare decorative poles (14)
B-170A NCHRP 350 South Carolina Department of Transportation Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails Temporary Concrete Barrier Wall and Anchorage
B-42A NCHRP 350 Rockingham precast Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails Permits 18 and 20 ft long segments
B-187 NCHRP 350 MWRSF Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails Transition from MGS to Asymmetrical Thrie Beam
CC-47D NCHRP 350 Energy Absorption Systems, Inc. Barrier Terminals and Crash Cushions Mod. TRITON Concrete End Treatment ACZ-350TM System TL-3
CC-65E NCHRP 350 TrafFix Devices, Inc. Barrier Terminals and Crash Cushions Scorpion Attenuator Trailer (Modified) TL-3
WZ-285 NCHRP 350 Workzone Safety Products Work Zone Devices temporary sign stand with 14 inch mounting height
SS-159 NCHRP 350 Roadway Construction Products, Inc. Sign Supports, Mailboxes, and Delineator Posts Omni-directional I-beam slip base support for wide flange beams
CC-106 NCHRP 350 Florida DOT Barrier Terminals and Crash Cushions Terminal for Florida Low Profile Barrier