Archived Hardware Eligibility Letters – NCHRP 350
These letters are archived and are posted for "historical and research purposes only" per the sunset dates in the AASHTO/FHWA Joint Implementation Agreement and exceptions to these dates as posted on the AASHTO Committee on Design website.
Letter | Date Sort ascending | Testing | Manufacturer | Hardware Type | Device Description |
B-170B | NCHRP 350 | South Carolina Department of Transportation | Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails | Temporary Concrete Barrier Wall and Anchorage TL-3 | |
B-196 | NCHRP 350 | TrafFix Devices | Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails | Water Wall with internal cables TL-1, TL-2, and TL-3 |
WZ-284 | NCHRP 350 | Acme Barricades | Work Zone Devices | lightweight sign mounted to generic TYPE III with lights mounted to supports | |
B-194 | NCHRP 350 | Caltrans | Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails | California Type 90 Concrete Bridge Rail TL-4 | |
B-184A | NCHRP 350 | Nucor Steel Marion | Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails | NU-Cable- 20 foot post spacing TL-4 | |
B-186 | NCHRP 350 | NUCOR Steel Marion | Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails | NU-Guard Posts mixed in Strong Post Guardrail TL-3 | |
B-193 (REVISED) | NCHRP 350 | Nucor Steel Marion | Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails | Nu-Cable 4 Cable System on 1V:4H TL-3 | |
CC-105 | NCHRP 350 | Armorflex | Barrier Terminals and Crash Cushions | Armorwire ATE-4 4-cable terminal | |
WZ-283 | NCHRP 350 | Econo Brother model 3200 | Work Zone Devices | Temporary sign stand with 12 inch mounting height measured to bottom of sign. | |
WZ-282 | NCHRP 350 | Davidson Traffic Control Products | Work Zone Devices | low profile modular curb that accepts FG 300 delineator posts |