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FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Archived Hardware Eligibility Letters – NCHRP 350

These letters are archived and are posted for "historical and research purposes only" per the sunset dates in the AASHTO/FHWA Joint Implementation Agreement and exceptions to these dates as posted on the AASHTO Committee on Design website.

Letter Date Sort ascending Testing Manufacturer Hardware Type Device Description
CC-03 NCHRP 350 ----- Barrier Terminals and Crash Cushions Eccentric Loader guardrail terminal (Experimental) (FHWA Tech. Advisory)
B-02 NCHRP 350 International Barrier Corp. Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails IBC Sand Filled Barrier (MK-7) (Operational)
B-01 NCHRP 350 (Memo to Regions) Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails Modified Thrie Beam Guardrail (Operational)
B-01A NCHRP 350 Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails
CC-02 NCHRP 350 Syro Steel Co Barrier Terminals and Crash Cushions Controlled Releasing Terminal (CRT) (Experimental) (FHWA Bulletin)
CC-01 NCHRP 350 Energy Absorption Systems, Inc Barrier Terminals and Crash Cushions SENTRE guardrail terminal (experimental) [see CC-10]
WZ-03(f) NCHRP 350 Nevada DOT Work Zone Devices Breakaway Type III Barricade (PVC Pipe, cable or rope through all pipes). See FHWA Implementation Package
IP 75-6 "Breakaway Barricades". See Figures II.19 and II.20 (Drawings A-8 & A-9) of the final designs.
WZ-03(c) NCHRP 350 TTI Report, Note 2 Work Zone Devices 1) Type III Hollow Core Plastic Barricade4 (see Figure II.9 "Figure 1.")(Vertical braces were added to support the panels prior to putting them in place on the barricade.)

2) Type III Perforated Tubing Barricade (3.7 m) (see Figure II.10 "Figure 2.")

(Vertical braces added, as noted above. Base connection detail also modified. Acceptable with 1x8 wood or hollow core plastic rails.)

3) Type III perforated Tubing Barricade (1.2 m) (see Figure II.11 "Figure 3.")

(Vertical braces added, as noted above. Base connection detail also modified. Acceptable with 1x8 wood or hollow core plastic rails.)

4) HwyCom Fiberglass Type III Barricade with plastic panels (see Figure II.12 "Figure 4.") (Round 76-mm diameter fiberglass pipes were used as the supports.)

5) Price Fiberglass Type III Barricade (see Figure II.13 "Figure 5.") (89 mm x 32 mm x 6.4 mm fiberglass U-channel supports were used.)

6) Spring-loaded Portable Sign Support (3) (see Figure II.14 "Figure 7") (Tested with mounting height of 610-mm.)

7) Ground-mounted Type III barricade (see Figure II.15 "Figure 8.") (Steel supports ground mounted in Poz-Loc sockets. Also acceptable with fiberglass supports in a "Universal" anchor, and with perf. square steel tubes in anchors.)

8) Vertical Panel Assembly (three shown in Figure II.16 "Figure 11.") (Plywood panels mounted on wood, steel angle, and plastic c-channel posts.)

9) Skid-mounted Sign Support. (See Figure II.17
"Figure 10.") (No modifications, but was tested end-on.)
B-114A NCHRP 350 NPCG LLC Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails DuroBlock Spacer
WZ-10 NCHRP 350 Reserved Work Zone Devices