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FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Archived Hardware Eligibility Letters – NCHRP 350

These letters are archived and are posted for "historical and research purposes only" per the sunset dates in the AASHTO/FHWA Joint Implementation Agreement and exceptions to these dates as posted on the AASHTO Committee on Design website.

Letter Date Sort ascending Testing Manufacturer Hardware Type Device Description
SS-04 NCHRP 350 Minute Man Anchors, Inc. Sign Supports, Mailboxes, and Delineator Posts Breakaway coupling for use with 3 lb/ft steel flanged channel post (superseded by new hardware on 3/10/88. See SS-6) **
CC-07 NCHRP 350 Connecticut DOT Barrier Terminals and Crash Cushions Connecticut Impact Attenuation System (CIAS) crash cushion (Operational)
CC-06 NCHRP 350 Energy Absorption Systems, Inc. Barrier Terminals and Crash Cushions GREAT with Hex-Foam II crash cushion (Operational)
SS-03 Allied Tube & Conduit Corp. Sign Supports, Mailboxes, and Delineator Posts QWIK-PUNCH tube system - max size 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 in. x 12 ga. post set in reinforced sleeve base.
SS-02 NCHRP 350 Trus Joist Corp. Sign Supports, Mailboxes, and Delineator Posts MICRO-LAM - 14 7/8 X 7 7/8 in. box section plywood post. Tested in S-2 soil.
CC-05 NCHRP 350 Syro Steel Co. Barrier Terminals and Crash Cushions Vehicle Attenuating Terminal (VAT) (Experimental) [see CC-8]
B-03 NCHRP 350 Barrier Systems, Inc Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails Series 200 Construction Zone Barrier (Moveable Concrete Safety Shape) (Experimental)
SS-01A NCHRP 350 Southwestern Pipe, Inc. Sign Supports, Mailboxes, and Delineator Posts Poz-Loc 2 posts
SS-01 NCHRP 350 Southwestern Pipe, Inc. Sign Supports, Mailboxes, and Delineator Posts POZ-LOC anchor system - 2 3/8 in. O.D. posts, max .095 in. wall thickness. **
CC-04 NCHRP 350 Energy Absorption Systems, Inc Barrier Terminals and Crash Cushions TREND rigid barrier terminal (experimental)