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FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Archived Hardware Eligibility Letters – NCHRP 350

These letters are archived and are posted for "historical and research purposes only" per the sunset dates in the AASHTO/FHWA Joint Implementation Agreement and exceptions to these dates as posted on the AASHTO Committee on Design website.

Letter Date Sort ascending Testing Manufacturer Hardware Type Device Description
SS-13A NCHRP 350 Marion Steel Sign Supports, Mailboxes, and Delineator Posts Clarifies grade of steel to be “SP-80"
CC-12 NCHRP 350 Syro Steel Co. Barrier Terminals and Crash Cushions ET-2000 (Guardrail Extruder Terminal) (Experimental)
SS-13 NCHRP 350 Marion Steel Sign Supports, Mailboxes, and Delineator Posts Single to triple 3 ppf and single or dual 4 ppf Rib-Bak post installations with ground splice. **
B-10 NCHRP 350 International Barrier Corp. Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails MK-9 Cement-Stabilized Sand Filled Barrier (low profile IBC barrier)
SS-12 NCHRP 350 HwyCom Corp. Sign Supports, Mailboxes, and Delineator Posts Dual post installations of 3-inch FRP.
B-09 NCHRP 350 FHWA memo to Region 9 Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails Yuma County Curved Guardrail (Bridge approach treatment) (Experimental)
B-08 NCHRP 350 International Barrier Corp. Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails Special Assemblies and transitions for the IBC MK-7 sand filled barrier (Operational)
SS-11 NCHRP 350 Allied Tube & Conduit Sign Supports, Mailboxes, and Delineator Posts Quick-Punch post - Max size 2.25 x 2.25" x 14 ga. in unreinforced 12 ga. sleeve base.
SS-10 NCHRP 350 HwyCom Corp. Sign Supports, Mailboxes, and Delineator Posts 3-Inch Diameter, 1/8 in. wall, fiber-reinforced plastic post. (see SS-12)
B-07 NCHRP 350 The Neel Company Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails Concrete Barrier Drainage System (operational)