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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center Facility Overview

Who We Are

The Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA's) Office of Research, Development, and Technology (RD&T) is located at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC), a federally owned and operated national research facility in McLean, VA. The center houses 15 laboratories, support facilities, and data sets; and conducts applied and exploratory advanced research in vehicle-highway interaction, and a host of other types of transportation research in safety, pavements, highway structures and bridges, human-centered systems, operations and intelligent transportation systems, and materials. The laboratories at the center provide a vital resource for advancing the body of knowledge that has been created and developed by our researchers.

This website provides information about the people, laboratories, and research being conducted or managed at TFHRC. You will also find information about the latest research projects and publications that result from the research performed on behalf of or at the center.

What We Do

TFHRC provides the world highway community with advanced and applied research and development related to new and existing highway technologies. The center reviews, tests, studies, researches, and finds solutions to complex technical problems through the development of more economical, more efficient, quality-controlled construction, operational, and safety practices; and more durable materials. The end result is a safer, longer-lasting, more reliable highway transportation system.

At times, when our expertise is requested, we also work with FHWA’s Federal Lands Highway to test new solutions specifically for Federal lands and parks, to improve transportation facilities, roads, or structures. We collaborate with other national laboratories and agencies to address the needs of the Nation and to keep American citizens safe in all parts of the world.

Our Staff

Researchers at TFHRC are dedicated scientists and engineers and their expertise encompasses more than 100 transportation-related disciplines including civil, structural, and pavement engineering; chemistry; safety; mathematics; computational development; modeling and simulation; information technology; hydraulics; aerodynamics; imaging; geometric design; photometry; visibility; human factors, and many more.

The center is supported by a team of professionals, who work on technology transfer and technical communications; program development; and national and international partnerships.

Check out the research experts and view the expertise directory.