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FHWA Highway Safety Programs

C. Local Road Safety Checklists

The following local road safety checklist is designed to provide State DOTs and LTAP centers with a list of questions to use to identify opportunities to enhance or initiate a local road safety program. While the list is not designed for local agencies, it may provide some questions local agencies may consider when faced with questions regarding the resources and opportunities provided by State DOTs and LTAPs to assist with local road safety initiatives. The lists of questions and action steps have been developed based on the noteworthy practices and lessons learned by State DOTs. If the answer to any of the identified questions is “no,” a list of potential action steps is provided to assist the State DOT or LTAP with building a stronger local road safety program.

C.1 Organizational Checklist

  1. Is local road safety identified as a priority in the SHSP?
    • Review available local crash data to determine the magnitude of problem.
    • Develop a local road safety emphasis area in the SHSP or incorporate local road safety into established emphasis areas.
    • Develop strategies in the SHSP to address local road safety.
    • Invite local agency representatives to be involved in SHSP development and implementation efforts.
    • Form an SHSP committee or task force to help promote local road safety.
  2. Does your agency have a local road safety champion?
    • Establish the roles and responsibilities of the local road safety champion(s).
    • Identify a list of potential champions, which could include DOT executive management, planning and engineering division chiefs, or LTAP directors.
    • Assess organizational structure related to local road safety efforts.
    • Compare the benefits of a single local road safety champion or local road safety committee.
  3. Is there a formally established local road safety program?
    • Review the organizational structure of the local roads program to determine strengths and weaknesses in the identification, prioritization, and administration of local roads projects.
    • Determine what level or combination of support (i.e., information, training, technical assistance, and implementation) is needed to improve or develop the local road safety program.
    • Identify staff or resources for each level of support.
    • Explore partnerships with LTAPs, MPOs, and/or universities to assist in delivering the local roads program.

C.2 Data Checklist

  1. Is pertinent local road crash data available to your DOT for analysis?
    • Assess availability of local road crash data and opportunities to improve local road data collection.
    • Coordinate data improvement efforts with your State traffic records coordinating committee.
  2. Is your statewide crash database available to local agencies in an easily accessible format?
    • Coordinate with local agencies to determine the best methods for sharing local crash data, providing data analysis, and assisting with project identification.
    • If necessary, develop a protocol for providing access to data for local agency practitioners.
    • Develop crash data analysis tools to streamline data analysis process for locals.
  3. Are local agencies aware of local road crash data limitations?
    • Incorporate local safety data training into other DOT/?LTAP training programs.
  4. Are local agencies aware of the data analysis tools available to them through your local safety program?
    • Develop strategies to market tools and training related to local road safety data (i.e., web site information, newsletters, etc.).
    • Promote the benefits of using data-driven process and related analysis tools.

C.3 Training and Technical Assistance Checklist

  1. Is safety-related technical assistance and/or training provided to local agencies?
    • Conduct an assessment of local practitioner needs related to training and technical assistance opportunities (see full list of potential training and technical assistance opportunities on page 18 and 19 of the report).
      • Data Analysis;
      • Problem Identification;
      • Countermeasure Identification; and
      • Project Development.
    • Develop a formal process to address training and technical assistance requests from local agencies.
    • Discuss local agency needs and capabilities with other entities in the State that can provide training and technical assistance, such as the local LTAP/?MPO staff/?universities.
    • Identify needed resources, including staff time, funding, and partnerships to address technical assistance requests.

C.4 Funding Checklist

  1. Are funds provided to local agencies for road safety improvement projects?
    • Determine the availability of funding (i.e., HSIPHRRRP, State funds, etc.) to spend on local roads.
    • Develop a methodology to deliver funding to local roads projects.
      • Competitive Process;
      • Formula Allocation; and
      • Data-Driven.
  2. Is the amount of funding provided for local road safety projects commensurate with need?
    • Conduct an assessment of the funds set aside by your agency and the amount and percent spent on local road safety projects.
    • Based on the assessment, determine if funding allocations should be adjusted.
  3. Are local agencies aware of available funds for safety improvements?
    • Interview local agencies to determine if they are aware of opportunities to apply for funds and how the funding process works.
    • Provide funding guidelines to local agencies, explaining the application and funding process.
    • Work with FHWA to identify HSIP training opportunities for State and local practitioners.
    • Provide presentations or workshops on potential funding sources for local roads safety improvements, the application process, and funding priorities at county engineers association conferences, statewide engineering conferences, and other conferences.

C.5 Program Administration Checklist

  1. Does your DOT implement practices to streamline the Federal-aid process for local agencies?
    • Identify streamlining practices that could be used in your State (see page 22 of report for a complete list).
      • Systemic safety improvements;
      • Grouping multiple projects;
      • Identify local match early in the process;
      • Allow local agencies to use their own labor and resources; and
      • Allow programmatic categorical exclusions.
    • Meet with your contracts office to identify which opportunities can be used in your State to streamline the Federal-aid process.
    • If an expedited contracting process is to be used, identify staff support needed to administer contracts under the expedited process.
  2. Do administrative issues restrict local agencies from applying for Federal-aid funding?
    • Identify any local agency certifications/?requirements needed to administer Federal-aid funding.
    • Determine if the DOT local-aid division provides administrative support to local agencies related to local agency certification.
    • Assess the feasibility of a local road safety program coordinator in each district.
    • Identify resources that provide guidance on the local-aid certification process (i.e., web sites, manuals, etc.).
  3. Have your local safety programs been evaluated for effectiveness?
    • Develop an evaluation plan for your local road safety program.
    • Identify performance outcome and output measures to evaluate local safety programs.
    • Conduct an assessment of program capabilities.