Original publication: SHSP Implementation Process Model, Supplement Number 1 – Case Studies; FHWA-SA-10-025; 2010 (PDF, 1MB)
Key Accomplishments
- Created the position of full-time SHSP operations manager to provide leadership and coordination.
- Centralized SHSP communications through the operations manager.
- Formalized safety collaboration between the DOT and GOHS via a memorandum of understanding.
Prior to the development of the SHSP, the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) created a Safety Action Plan. The plan was based on the NCHRP 501 Integrated Safety Management Process (ISMP). Fundamental to the ISMP is an interdisciplinary organizational structure formed through a coalition of highway safety agencies that allocates different responsibilities to specific groups or people who must work together to maximize safety. Day-to-day management responsibility falls to the operations manager, a coalition appointee.
After SAFETEA-LU required States to develop an SHSP, GDOT merged its Safety Action Plan into the SHSP and developed its structure based on the ISMP. GDOT stepped aside from the leadership role to encourage an interdisciplinary and intery structure so partners and stakeholders would not view their participation as directed by GDOT. They felt stakeholders would be more likely to participate and provide legitimate feedback if the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) took responsibility for leading the SHSP effort.
GDOT and GOHS developed a memorandum of understanding creating a SHSP Operations Manager position housed in the GOHS. The Operations Manager acts as the focal point for the SHSP. As part of GOHS, the Operations Manager dedicates time and effort to facilitating the development and implementation of the SHSP, as well as coordinating communication among GOHS, GDOT, and the other partners and stakeholders. The Operations Manager is funded by GDOT with Highway Safety Improvement Program funds.
The State demonstrated its commitment to the SHSP by creating a full-time staff position to oversee its management and implementation. The Operations Manager handles the day-to-day administration of the SHSP process and provides support to the SHSP Leadership Team. As the focal point of the SHSP process, the Operations Manager facilitates all activities.
Randy Clayton
SHSP Operations Manager
Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety