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TFHRC Virtual Tour - Lobby

Welcome to the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) virtual tour, which can be viewed on your mobile phone, laptop, or desktop computer with a high-speed internet connection. In this virtual tour you can explore some of our common areas and laboratories and learn about TFHRC history, current projects, and innovative equipment.

You have reached the TFHRC Lobby Tour. To view the three-dimensional tour, continue to the tour below.

For an accessible version of the tour, visit the Lobby virtual tour.

Accessible Tour Starts Here

View #1

An entry vestibule features a welcome sign on the right-hand side.


The front lobby reception desk at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center.


A large text and photograph-based wall decoration on the left that features facts and figures about the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center. A sign in front of the wall includes a photograph of the building exterior, welcomes visitors to the center, and features a QR code for more information about the site.


A seating area next to the front lobby desk, with two displays. One display holds a trophy, and the other shows a three-dimensional model.


A closeup of two displays: A glass trophy on a table and a three-dimensional model.


Area leading to a hallway on the left labeled “Hall of Bridges” with an informational display on a wall perpendicular to a set of double doors.


A wide overlook area is decorated with informational signage and portraits hung on a brick wall. In the center of the wide hallway is an information stand.


Seating area with chairs in front of informational signage and portraits lining the wall behind them.


Two large informational wall panels contain photographs and text.

VIEW #10

Hallway filled with informational signage and portraits on the walls and right-side railing. Two standalone informational displays are in the center of the hallway.

VIEW #11

Hallway with a room to the left with chairs and a bookshelf and, on the right, portraits on a brick wall, and informational signage on a railing.

VIEW #12

Outside view of a room with chairs, a desk, and bookshelves.



VIEW #13

A hall leads to several doors near an overlook.



Non-Binding Contents
Except for any statutes and regulations cited, the contents of this tour do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the States or the public in any way.

Disclaimer for Product Names and Manufacturers
The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers' names appear in this virtual tour because they are considered essential to the objective of the virtual tour. They are included for information purposes only and are not intended to reflect a preference, approval, or endorsement of any one product or entity.