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TFHRC Virtual Tour - Structures Laboratory

Welcome to the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) virtual tour, which can be viewed on your mobile phone, laptop, or desktop computer with a high-speed internet connection. In this virtual tour you can explore some of our common areas and laboratories and learn about TFHRC history, current projects, and innovative equipment.

This is the Structures Laboratory Virtual Tour. View the Structures Laboratory and the Structures Laboratory Annex three-dimensional tours below.

Structures Laboratory Virtual Tour

Structures Laboratory Annex Virtual Tour

For an accessible version of the tour, visit the Structures Laboratory Accessible Virtual Tour.

Start the Structures Laboratory Accessible Virtual Tour Here


Laboratory space filled with an assortment of equipment for testing the performance of bridge structures and structural systems, including large-scale beam static testing frames, servo-hydraulic actuators, a high-force vertical load frame outfitted with a high-force hydraulic ram, the large-scale beam fatigue test and the strand development length test setup, and two tall concrete girders with embedded prestressing strands.


Laboratory space filled with an assortment of equipment for testing the performance of bridge structures and structural systems, including the large-scale beam static testing frame and high-force vertical load frame.


Part of a laboratory space filled with metal floor grates, tall pieces of slender metal material, and different sizes and lengths of wood and plywood stacked on shelves on the wall.


Part of a laboratory space filled with tables, equipment, tools, and machinery along the wall.


Part of a laboratory space where a concrete mixing station is located.

View #6 - Structures Laboratory Annex

Part of a laboratory space with a structural reaction frame, various toolboxes, computer workstations, and a high-capacity universal testing machine.


Part of a laboratory space with a capacity testing machine next to a stand-mounted monitor.


Part of a laboratory space with a high-capacity compression testing machine, a structural reaction frame with an actuator and specimen, and cabinets on the right side.


Part of a laboratory space containing a static and fatigue loading test machine next to a computer workstation.

VIEW #10

Part of a laboratory space with a static and fatigue loading test machine in front of computer workstations.

This virtual tour was created by both the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and a contractor. The views and opinions expressed in this tour do not necessarily reflect those of the FHWA or the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). The contents do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the USDOT.

The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers' names appear in this virtual tour because they are considered essential to the objective of the virtual tour. They are included for information purposes only and are not intended to reflect a preference, approval, or endorsement of any one product or entity.