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TFHRC Virtual Tour - Human Factors Laboratory

Welcome to the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) virtual tour, which can be viewed on your mobile phone, laptop, or desktop computer with a high-speed internet connection. In this virtual tour you can explore some of our common areas and laboratories and learn about TFHRC history, current projects, and innovative equipment.

This is the Human Factors Laboratory Tour which encompasses the Highway Driving Simulator, the Virtual Reality Laboratory, the MiniSim and Sign Laboratory, and the Human Factors Garage. To view the three-dimensional tour, continue to the tour below. For an accessible version of the tour, visit the Human Factors Laboratory accessible virtual tour.

Highway Driving Simulator

Virtual Reality Laboratory

MiniSim and Sign Laboratory

Human Factors Garage

Human Factors Accessible Tour Starts Here


A room is set up with several desks containing multiple screens at each one.


A room with a sedan in front of a screen displaying a simulated highway scene.


A sedan placed in front of a screen showing a simulated highway scene.

VIEW #4 - Virtual Reality Laboratory

A room for virtual reality testing that includes several wall-mounted screens, virtual reality headsets, mounted motion-tracking cameras, a computer workstation, a virtual reality bicycle simulator, and a vehicle-driving simulator.


An omnidirectional treadmill, headset, mounted television screen, and motion-tracking cameras next to a computer workstation, a virtual reality headset, and associated equipment.


An office filled with desks, chairs, a long table, and computer monitors


Cabinets in an office flanked by computer workstations below traffic signs.

The Evaluation of Additional Alternatives of and Arrow Sizes for Overhead Arrow-per-Lane (OAPL) Guide Signs project examined drivers' comprehension of sign alternatives and roadway geometry, time for comprehension, and preference among arrow sizes and sign alternatives.


A driving simulator set up that includes three monitors positioned in a half circle in front of a seat and a steering wheel.


A room with a computer workstation, keyboards, and chairs facing a screen.


Part of a garage space with a car with equipment on its roof that supports self-driving parked in front of a test dummy wearing a hard hat, safety vest, and work pants.

VIEW #11

Three test dummies are mounted on a wall in a garage space. The far-left dummy is wearing a hard hat, safety vest, and pants. The test dummy in the middle is on a bicycle. The far-right dummy appears to be the size of a child.

VIEW #12

The open vehicle trunk shows equipment and wires to support self-driving functions. Additional equipment spans the length of the back bumper.


Non-Binding Contents
Except for any statutes and regulations cited, the contents of this tour do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the States or the public in any way.

Disclaimer for Product Names and Manufacturers
The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers' names appear in this virtual tour because they are considered essential to the objective of the virtual tour. They are included for information purposes only and are not intended to reflect a preference, approval, or endorsement of any one product or entity.