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TFHRC Virtual Tour - Chemistry Laboratory

Welcome to the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC) virtual tour, which can be viewed on your mobile phone, laptop, or desktop computer with a high-speed internet connection. In this virtual tour you can explore some of our common areas and laboratories and learn about TFHRC history, current projects, and innovative equipment.

This is the Chemistry Laboratory Tour 1 and Chemistry Laboratory Tour 2. To view the three-dimensional tours, continue to the tours below.

Chemistry Laboratory Tour 1

Chemistry Laboratory Tour 2

For an accessible version of the tour, visit the Chemistry Laboratory accessible virtual tour.

Accessible Chemistry Tours Start Here


A laboratory with storage cabinets and a center table. Various equipment, tools, and appliances can be seen throughout the space. Several large snorkels that extract air from the lab hang from the ceiling above a table.



An aggregate crusher sits on a large laboratory table in the center of a laboratory space with cabinetry and other testing equipment. The center table contains other various tools, equipment, and machinery. Several large snorkels that extract air from the lab hang from the ceiling above a table.


A fuser machine sits on a laboratory table next to two pairs of tongs, some chemicals, and other tools in a chemistry laboratory.


An industrial refrigerator containing various chemistry items is placed on laboratory cabinets next to a nitrogen glove box and desiccator.


A computer laboratory contains drawers, counters, rolling desk chairs, and standard office equipment (such as desks, computer monitors, keyboards, computer mice, phones, printers, and laptops). A large inductively coupled plasma spectrometer sits on a desk.


A laboratory space with cabinets, tables, a computer monitor, an environmental scanning electron microscope, keyboard, and rolling desk chairs. Various technical appliances, equipment, tools, and other laboratory items are set up on counters along with an eyewash station.


A closeup view of an environmental scanning electron microscope and associated computer output.


Part of a laboratory space with a large x-ray diffractometer and a sputtering system and carbon evaporation device.


Part of a laboratory space with computer workstations, gas tanks, and a wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometer.

VIEW #10

Part of a laboratory space with a long table above cabinetry, computer workstations, standard office equipment, and laboratory equipment, tools, and machinery.




Non-Binding Contents
Except for any statutes and regulations cited, the contents of this tour do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the States or the public in any way.

Disclaimer for Product Names and Manufacturers
The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers' names appear in this virtual tour because they are considered essential to the objective of the virtual tour. They are included for information purposes only and are not intended to reflect a preference, approval, or endorsement of any one product or entity.