PBCAT Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Analysis Tool Version 3.0 User Guide
This document serves as a user guide to assist State and local safety professionals to apply PBCAT version 3 to their crash reports. This document also presents the modernized crash-typing framework, which is significantly different from former versions of PBCAT. Additionally, this document presents expanded typologies that enable typing crashes involving new and different types of non-motorists, such as persons on motorized personal conveyances or persons on non-motorized personal conveyances, as well as crashes involving cyclists and pedestrians.
PBCAT is designed to help State and local transportation safety practitioners and researchers develop new variables to describe collisions between motorists and non-motorists on trafficway or non-trafficway locations. PBCAT users can apply PBCAT crash types and contextual factors to help identify preventable crash scenarios and make informed selections of a variety of strategies and solutions to improve non-motorist safety. The data can be used to help improve the infrastructure, vehicle and interactive technologies, behaviors, and policies to reduce non-motorist crashes and injuries.