Publication Information
In 2015, the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) Office of Operations Research and Development developed a cooperative adaptive cruise control proof-of-concept prototype that was installed in five research vehicles. From there, the CARMA Ecosystem further evolved through testing and integration. At the time of this writing, the CDA Program is advancing into automated driving systems (ADS) that leverage infrastructure to support cooperative automation strategies. This project expands CARMA functionality to include transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) strategies on surface arterials with intersections.
This concept of operations is the seventh in a series of nine focused on TSMO use cases (UC) and capabilities. It focuses on traffic incident management UCs where traffic and incident response vehicles are actively managed by CARMA tools through advanced signal operations. The intended audience for this report is CDA stakeholders such as system developers, analysts, researchers, application developers, and infrastructure owners and operators.
Recommended citation: Federal Highway Administration,Cooperative Automation Research: CARMA Proof-of-Concept TSMO Use Case Testing: Traffic Incident Management Concept of Operations (Washington, DC: 2022)