Using 3D Digital Design Data in Highway Construction--A Case Study
Project Information
Select a representative highway project to showcase the successful utilization of three-dimensional (3D) digital design data and use the information gathered from that project to develop broader guidance that can be used by highway agencies. Through a comprehensive case study, a representative highway construction project that successfully transitioned digital data from design to construction, the objectives in the Key Project Objectives field will be accomplished.
- Fully document the process and policies that enabled the successful utilization of three-dimensional (3D) digital design data in construction.
- Develop generalized guidelines based on this case study that also includes information on known design model formats and/or extensible markup language (XML) schemas for highway agencies to properly generate accurate 3D models for downstream uses in construction and other phases of project delivery.
- Document differences and similarities of each design formats and/or XML and the associated design model challenges. With each model, address the areas of real-time verification, conduct quality assurance/quality check (QA/QC), and manage data.
- Document and make recommendations for further development and deployment of the design model standards as the technology moves forward.
- Document the types of costs and resources required by industry and agencies for implementation of these technologies.
- Infrastructure
- FY 2002-2022 / Infrastructure / Construction and Project Management
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan