Transportation System Performance Measurement Using Loop Signature Amplifiers (102-FH2-009) Small Business Innovation Research Phase II
Project Information
Phase II:
- Developed basic simulation model based on open published algorithms and papers.
- Developed C++ project to share data between operating programs.
- Developed a server client architecture for programs. A Phase II has been awarded.
- Developed a database architecture for input output streams.
- Developed architecture for handling multiple turning and auxiliary lanes.
- Added linkage to coordinate cumulative and time interval measures of effectiveness with graphical files.
Evaluate whether it is possible to utilize enhanced loop sensor amplifiers to measure and track vehicle signatures to create anonymous travel time and origin-destination information.
- Operations
- FY 2002-2022 / Operations / Transportation Systems Management and Operations
Phase I demonstrated that it was possible to utilize special loop amplifiers to measure the pulse intensity in high resolution time intervals. Phase I demonstrated that different classes of vehicles gave different vehicle signatures. Phase II will investigate the uniqueness of the signatures and whether they can be used for vehicle identification and reidentification.
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan