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Traffic Analysis and Simulation Pooled Fund Study - Task 2: Guidance on the Level of Effort Required to Conduct Traffic Analysis

Project Information

Project ID:
Project Abstract:

This study will develop guidance/templates for State and local agencies and consultants by demonstrating, through case studies and/or examples, the proper application of traffic modeling and simulation process, from cradle to grave. The templates will display traffic modeling in simulation process information from system monitoring and problem identification through demand forecasting, into design and operational analysis, and into deployment and operations and management resulting from the transportation decision. A boilerplate/template statement of work will be developed so that State and local agencies can use it in their request for proposals to reflect the required level of effort and resources needed to effectively and efficiently carry out the work. This project will enable agencies to scope projects properly and determine more realistic levels of effort required, leading to better decisions on transportation improvement projects.


The key project objective is to develop guidance for analysis/modeling managers to successfully conduct traffic analyses. This guidance will benefit transportation agencies by providing systematic ways to scope and budget for their traffic analysis efforts and review traffic analysis outputs, resulting in better project and program decisions on transportation improvement projects with fewer project delays and cost overruns. 

Research HUB ID:
Project Status:
Project Funding Amount (Contract Award Amount):
Start Date:
End Date:
Public Access Plan:
FHWA Program Area:
  • Operations
Fiscal Year / AMRP Program / AMRP Activity:
  • FY 2002-2022 / Operations / Automation and Connectivity

AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan

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