Multinational Program
Project Information
The plan is to disseminate domestically technical work produced by State and Federal government representatives to the World Road Association's (PIARC's) technical committees and task forces. The products will be in the form of reports, guidelines, and other information tools that will capture the United States perspective for the international community. In addition, several projects undertaken under the PIARC's Special Projects Facility will share findings on studies performed in areas of interest to USDOT and FHWA. Support will be provided to leadership for participation in multinational activities with PIARC and the International Federation for Structural Concrete.
- Policy
- FY 2002-2022 / Policy / Policy Analysis and Global Outreach
- FY 2023
- Data and Analysis
Outputs include study reports and dissemination activities.
Emerging/Enabling Technologies and Innovation
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan