Informational Report on Accessibility at Innovative New and Quick-Build Pedestrian and Bicycle Designs
Project Information
This project task order will examine how new and “quick-build” pedestrian and bicycle facilities can be designed to ensure accessibility. Examples of “new” designs are innovative designs that are not yet in mainstream use in the United States and may include but are not limited to protected intersections, floating bus islands, and sidewalk-grade separated bike lanes. “quick-build” facilities may include facilities built solely with easily installed materials (such as flexposts and markings), generally implemented without the level of physical construction associated with a typical capital project.
The contractor shall produce a “state-of-the-practice” informational report that identifies common new and “quick-build” pedestrian and bicycle facilities and suggests best practices for providing accessibility for pedestrians with a variety of disabilities (vision, mobility, hearing, cognitive). This informational report shall also describe new/quick-build facilities where unresolved issues around accessibility still exist, describe any proposals that exist to address those and identify issues that would benefit from additional research. The contractor shall also produce for Government use only a prioritized list and description of potential user experiments that, if conducted, could help develop and prove efficacy of new design treatments to provide accessibility on new and quick-build pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
- N/A
- Planning, Environment, and Realty
- Policy
- Safety
- FY 2002-2022 / Planning, Environment, and Realty / Planning for Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety, Connectivity, and Multimodal Mobility, including for Underserved Communities
- Pedestrian / Bicycle
Report to be complete late 2022
Project will inform FHWA policy and technical assistance related to design advice and guidance for new/innovative ped/bike designs
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan