HEPGIS: Web-based Interactive Geographic Map Server Enhancement
Project Information
This project will create an extension to FHWA’s HEPGIS web application that will permit rapid screening of potential project locations anywhere in the United States to support Title VI, environment justice (EJ) & other socioeconomic data analyses. The application will provide estimates of the socioeconomic characteristics of the resident population surrounding a project location defined flexibly by users. The core data used to calculate the demographics will be the latest census data available and the application will be easily updated to make use of the forthcoming census 2020 data when it becomes available. The tool will permit identification of the number of potentially impacted minorities and low-income populations within a user-defined distance of the project.
A simple and straightforward user interface will be created to make it easy for FHWA staff to invoke the Title VI tool calculations. Background reference layers will be part of the application to facilitate proper identification of project locations through visual means. Specifically, users will identify project locations by drawing lines or select highway segments on the map. Buffer analysis will be performed, and demographics will then be calculated for the surrounding areas by the specified distance to the project. The map will display the calculated buffer boundary and a summary of the demographics specified by FHWA. In addition, user friendly formatted reports will be available for viewing and download.
- 693JJ320P000025
- Planning, Environment, and Realty
- FY 2002-2022 / Planning, Environment, and Realty / Modeling and Analysis Tools
- Data and Analysis
Web-based STEAP (Screening Tool for Equity Analysis of Projects) on HEPGIS platform.
The project equity analysis tool (STEAP) will allow FHWA, state DOT and MPO staff to use the tool to generate equity analysis project profile report without the need for GIS specialists to perform the work. The tool will be hosted on the HEPGIS public website and is available 24/7.
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan