Health in Transportation Corridor Planning Framework
Project Information
The health in transportation corridor planning framework supports State, regional, and local efforts of transportation agencies and their partners to respond to public health through corridor planning studies. It is intended to be used within an existing corridor planning process, not as a standalone or parallel process. The framework is scalable to any type of corridor. It can be used at a single point in the process or to inform every aspect of the corridor planning study. It may also be used to inform planning activities at both the regional and project level to support broad health goals.
- DTFH6117D00010
- Planning, Environment, and Realty
- FY 2002-2022 / Planning, Environment, and Realty / Planning for Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety, Connectivity, and Multimodal Mobility, including for Underserved Communities
- Data and Analysis
Review and analysis done of the original 5 Framework test agencies to direct research into what update of the Framework, technical assistance provided to 6 new testing agencies and the incorporation of their feedback into an updated version of the Framework. Researched and developed outreach brochures for 6 topic areas to support transportation agencies make the business case for incorporating health considerations into their transportation plans, programs, and project delivery.
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan