Federal Highway Administration Traffic Noise Model 3.0 User Interface Cooperative Research
Project Information
Modernize the traffic noise model (TNM) 2.5 was released by the Federal Highway Administration in 2004. Computing power has increased to the point where certain acoustical assumptions can be fully calculated; as well as certain graphical choices made in 2004 can now be updated and improved for users.
- DTFH61-13-C-00034
- Planning, Environment, and Realty
- FY 2002-2022 / Planning, Environment, and Realty / Modeling and Analysis Tools
- Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation
A new version of the regulatory model required by 23 CFR 772. The traffic noise model (TNM) version 3.0 has a better user interface and improved acoustical programming compared to its predecessor – TNM 2.5.
Impacts to project-specific modeling results for noise impacts and abatement evaluations on Type I and Type II projects as defined in 23 CFR 772. Also a better interface to improve usability of the regulatory model – TNM.
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan