Calibration of Driver Behavior Parameters for Optimization of Work Zone Throughput
Project Information
This project investigates the driving behavior in terms of car-following for work zones and comparing it to nonwork zone conditions. The overall objective of this project is to calibrate vehicle behavior specific to work zones in microsimulation to optimizing work zone throughput. This project will use an instrumented vehicle equipped with global positioning system (GPS), speed sensors, cameras, vehicle controller area network (CAN) data, data acquisition systems, and universal medium range radar (UMRR) systems to measure the gaps and headway in real-time at 10 Hz with random participants.
- Evaluate the driver behavior and response while driving in work zones.
- Collect real-time gap data for vehicles traveling in the work zone.
- Examine the data with current psychophysical car-following equations.
- Develop specific thresholds parameters with real-time data and the observed driving behavior to advance modeling and simulation of work zones.
- Operations
- FY 2002-2022 / Operations / Transportation Systems Management and Operations
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan