Binational Relations Program/Bilateral Program
Project Information
The Bilateral Program will continue partnerships with countries whose advances in research and practices are beneficial to FHWA's priority goals and objectives (Safety, Climate and Sustainability, Equity, Economic Growth, Transformation, Organizational Excellence), while supporting U.S. Department of Transportation's (USDOT's) priority relationships and topics.
Activities planned include: the annual United States-Korea Roads Workshop, exchanges with the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Korea, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Australia, and cooperative research with Japan. Examples of topics include climate change and sustainability, infrastructure resilience, safety, bridges, pavements, and binational planning and coordination, among others. The Program also provides support for USDOT global efforts, including in the Indo-Pacific region.
- Policy
- FY 2002-2022 / Policy / Policy Analysis and Global Outreach
- Transportation Management
Reports, webinars, workshops, etc.
Information from these activities (reports, webinars, workshops, and so on) will be disseminated to relevant programs, offices, and audiences including State DOTs. All recipients will benefit by learning of innovative technologies and best practices from other countries that may improve US highway transportation.
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan