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Transportation Pooled Fund Program

About the Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF) Program

The TPF Program enables public and private entities to combine resources to conduct high-priority transportation research. By pooling funds and expertise, participants develop innovative solutions at a lower cost while extending the reach and impact of their research. For more information, please refer to the interactive TPF website ( The site provides a centralized information source about the TPF Program for partners as well as the interested public. The website includes program procedures and information about all studies.

An interactive TPF website was launched through the sponsorship of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program. The site provides a centralized information source about the TPF Program for partners as well as the interested public. The website includes program procedures and information about all studies.

Authorized users in the States and FHWA may post study solicitations, make funding commitments, update study records, and view funding reports. Study managers are responsible for updating records as often as necessary to ensure complete information about their studies for their partners and other visitors to the website.

Who Can Partner in a TPF Program?

Studies must be initiated and led by either the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or a state department of transportation (DOT). To help find study partners, the lead agency posts its proposed topic on the TPF Program website. In addition to State DOTs and FHWA, other Federal agencies, regional and local agencies, academic institutions, professional associations, international partners, and private industry can join the study as partners by pledging funds or other resources.

Past studies have had as few as 2 participants, while others have attracted more than 43. After a study is underway, the lead agency contracts for the research, administers the project, and convenes a technical advisory committee of representatives from each project partner. TPF Program studies have a maximum funding year duration of 5 years. If the research needs to continue after the 5-year period, a new solicitation and project on the same topic can be generated.


Combine Resources and Share the Benefits

Collaboration between TPF Program participants eliminates duplicative research efforts, allowing for more efficient use of funds. Beyond its funding and administrative advantages, the variety of expertise and experience brought together for a TPF study can have a much broader impact. The TPF Program focuses on national-and regional related transportation research, planning, and technology transfer activities in a range of categories, including pavements, bridges, design, safety, administration, environment, security, and maintenance.

Success Stories

Research and innovation are key to improving our transportation system and solving common transportation problems. The Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF) Program provides an opportunity to collaborate with stakeholders around the world to help solve transportation problems. By pooling funds and expertise, agencies can develop innovative solutions at a much lower cost than conducting the research alone. Our partners have had a lot of success and value with the TPF program! Please see some success stories below:

Excellence Awards

The biennial TPF Program Excellence Awards further promotes research, innovation, and excellence by recognizing outstanding TPF studies. This awards program highlights the importance of meaningful collaboration and partnership in transportation research by recognizing TPF studies that have significantly advanced national research efforts in the areas of safety, economic growth, equity, climate solutions, and/or transformation.

Administered through a partnership between FHWA and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Research Advisory Committee (RAC), the TPF Excellence Awards will recognize two TPF studies, with at least one State department of transportation (DOT)-led study. Learn more about nominating a TPF study today


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