Archived Press Releases
Funding Shortfall Puts New US 395 North Spokane Corridor Highway Project on Hold
May 20, 2015FHWA 38-15
Contact: Nancy Singer
FHWA Announces Changes to Improve Roadside Safety Hardware
May 18, 2015FHWA 36-15
Contact: Neil Gaffney
U.S. Transportation Secretary Visits Local Officials To Discuss Memphis' Proposed $265.5 Million Lamar Avenue Project
May 12, 2015FHWA 34-15
Contact: Doug Hecox
Tel: 202-...
U.S. Transportation Secretary Visits Local Leaders to Discuss Knoxville's Proposed $271.1 Million Alcoa Highway Project
May 12, 2015FHWA 33-15
Contact: Doug Hecox
Tel: 202-...
U.S. Transportation Deputy Secretary Mendez Visits Milwaukee's I-94 North-South Freeway Project
April 30, 2015FHWA 32-15
Contact: Neil Gaffney
Federal Highway Deputy Administrator Visits Kansas City-Area's $41.4 Million I-35/Pleasant Valley Improvement
April 27, 2015FHWA 31-15
Contact: Doug Hecox
(202) 366...
FHWA Collects New Data to Bolster Bridge Inspections
April 27, 2015FHWA 30-15
Contact: Nancy Singer
New Data Show February Driving Topped 221 Billion Miles
April 23, 2015FHWA 27-15
Contact: Doug Hecox
(202) 366...
FHWA Names Environmental Excellence Award Recipients for 2015
April 22, 2015FHWA 29-15
Contact: Nicole Jones
FHWA Providing Funds for Freight Movement Pilot Programs
April 21, 2015DOT 35-15
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