Archived Press Releases
FHWA and AASHTO Release Findings on Guardrail Terminal Crash Analysis
September 11, 2015Federal Highway Administrator Helps Open LBJ Express Project
September 10, 2015FHWA 59-15
Contact: Neil Gaffney
U.S. Deputy Transportation Secretary Joins Virginia Governor at Dedication Ceremony for Freedmans Village Bridge in Northern Virginia
September 10, 2015FHWA 60-15
Contact: Nancy Singer
USDOT 'Jason's Law' Survey Reaffirms Nationwide Truck Parking Needs
August 21, 2015FHWA 58-15
Contact: Nancy Singer
U.S. Driving Hits Historic High in Year's First Half
August 20, 2015FHWA 57-15
Contact: Doug Hecox
(202) 366...
U.S. Transportation Secretary Foxx Awards $7.1 Million to Seven States, National Park Service to Speed Innovation
July 27, 2015FHWA 56-15
Contact: Neil Gaffney
U.S. Department of Transportation Announces $2 Million in Emergency Relief Funds For California’s Flood-Damaged I-10 Bridge
July 23, 2015FHWA 55-15
Contact: Doug Hecox
U.S. Driving Tops Trillion-Mile Mark in Year's First Five Months
July 21, 2015FHWA 54-15
Contact: Doug Hecox
Federal Agencies Name Oregon National Transportation Planning Excellence Award Winner
July 16, 2015FHWA 50-15
Contact: Nicole Jones /...
Federal Highway Administration Launches New National Tunnel Inspection Program
July 15, 2015FHWA 53-15
Contact: Neil Gaffney