Working 2D Library
The Working 2D cell library (Work_dd.cel) is the default cell library for WFL. Some cells are located in the FLH-Cells library. The cell library is available with the WorkSpace Downloads.
- Sheet Annotation graphics for plan sheets
- Symbols miscellaneous symbols
- Pavement Markings full size pavement markings
- Highway Shields highway shields for location and vicinity maps
Sheet Annotation

- A.US.Letter ANSI A-Letter orientation; US Customary
- A.US.Letter-plain ANSI A-Letter orientation, no title block; US Customary
- A.US.Sheet ANSI A-Sheet; US Customary
- A.US.Sheet-plain ANSI A-Sheet, no title block; US Customary
- Amendment Amendment triangle
- Arrow.Loc Key map locator arrow
- B.M.Bridge ANSI B-Bridge plan; Metric
- B.M.BridgeLayout ANSI B-Preliminary bridge layout; Metric
- Break Line break symbol
- DOT Department of Transportation logo
- Equation Equation flag for profiles
- Flagger Flagger station symbol
- FS USDA Forest Service logo
- Grid Grid with North/East
- North North arrow
- NPS NPS arrowhead logo
- OHW Ordinary high water
- Preliminary Preliminary stamp
- Revision Design revision for stamped consultant work
- RoadApproach Road approach symbol type and width
- RoadApproach2 Road approach symbol type only
- RPStake Reference point stake; AS=text size
- ScaleFeet Place at AS=1, drop and scale bar only
- ScaleFeet.Alt Place at AS=1, drop and scale bar only
- ScaleFeet5 Place at AS=1, drop and scale bar only
- ScaleFeet5.Alt Place at AS=1, drop and scale bar only
- ScaleKM Place at AS=1, drop and scale bar only
- ScaleKM.Alt Place at AS=1, drop and scale bar only
- ScaleKM5 Place at AS=1, drop and scale bar only
- ScaleKM5.Alt Place at AS=1, drop and scale bar only
- ScaleMiles Place at AS=1, drop and scale bar only
- ScaleMiles.Alt Place at AS=1, drop and scale bar only
- ScaleMiles5 Place at AS=1, drop and scale bar only
- ScaleMiles5.Alt Place at AS=1, drop and scale bar only
- WHS World Heritage Site

- Aggregate Aggregate pattern
- Arrow.Flow SESC flow arrow
- Arrow.Sign Sign arrow; AS=bar width; ft [m]
- Barricade1 Barricade, type 1
- Barricade2 Barricade, type 2
- Barricade3 Barricade, type 3
- Bolt.C Carriage bolt; YS=bolt length, ft [m]
- Capital City capital symbol
- CattleGuard Proposed cattle guard; AS=opening, ft [m]
- Cedar Cedar tree, elevation; 100 feet tall
- Circle Circle with text
- Concrete Concrete pattern
- ConeHigh Cone, high speed and night use
- ConeLow Cone, low speed and day use
- Delineator Proposed delineator
- DropInlet Proposed drop inlet
- EndSection Proposed end section
- Fir Fir tree, elevation; 100 feet tall
- G4W_Lt G4 W-beam guardrail, left
- G4W_Rt G4 W-beam guardrail, right
- Guardrail1 Detailed guardrail (entire), right
- Guardrail2 Detailed guardrail (visible), right
- Hex Scalable nut, plan; AS=diameter, ft [m]
- Jer_Lt Jersey barrier, left side of road
- Jer_Rt Jersey barrier, right side of road
- Mesh Wire mesh pattern
- MP Reference location sign
- Nut.Hex Hex nut; AS=nut diameter, ft [m]
- Nut.Rounded Rounded hex nut; AS=nut diameter, ft [m]
- Nut.Washer Nut w/washer; AS=nut diameter, ft [m]
- Oak Oak tree, elevation; 30 feet tall
- ObjectMarker Object marker
- PipeBreak Pipe break symbol; AS=diameter, ft [m]
- PipeCul Pipe culvert; AS=diameter, ft [m]
- PPAnchor Proposed power pole anchor
- Riprap Riprap pattern
- Sign.1Post Proposed 1 post sign
- Sign.2Post Proposed 2 post sign
- Sign.Portable Portable sign
- Soil Undisturbed soil symbol
- Source Source area symbol
- SpotElev Spot elevation
- StreetLight Proposed street light
- Stump Stump, elevation; AS=tree diameter, ft [m]
- Tree Tree, plan; AS=canopy, ft [m]
- Tree.Alt Alternate tree, plan; AS=canopy, ft [m]
- Tree.Fir Fir tree, plan; AS=canopy, ft [m]
- Tree.Oak Oak tree, plan; AS=canopy, ft [m]
- UtilityMarker Proposed utility marker
- WarningLight Warning light
- Wood1 Wood grain pattern
- Wood2 Wood grain pattern
- Wood3 Wood endgrain pattern
- XTick Cross tick
Pavement Markings

- M.Access1 Accessibility marking, minimum size
- M.Access2 Accessibility marking, special size
- M.AccessBor1 Accessibility marking w/border, minimum size
- M.AccessBor2 Accessibility marking w/border, special size
- M.Ahead AHEAD text marking
- M.Bike Bicycle symbol marking
- M.Diamond Preferential lane marking
- M.Left Left turn marking
- M.LeftThru Left turn and thru marking
- M.Only ONLY text marking
- M.Right Right turn marking
- M.RightThru Right turn and thru marking
- M.RR Railroad marking
- M.RR-Narrow Narrow railroad marking
- M.School SCHOOL text marking
- M.SchoolLarge Large SCHOOL text marking
- M.Stop STOP text marking
- M.Thru Thru marking
- M.Yield YIELD text marking
- M.YieldSym1 Yield symbol marking, > 45 MPH
- M.YieldSym2 Yield symbol marking, < 45 MPH
Highway Shields

- Hwy.AK1 Alaska route, 1 digit
- Hwy.AK2 Alaska route, 2 digits
- Hwy.Bike1 Bicycle route, 1 digit
- Hwy.Bike2 Bicycle route, 2 digits
- Hwy.BikeInt1 Interstate bicycle route, 1 digit
- Hwy.BikeInt2 Interstate bicycle route, 2 digits
- Hwy.County1 County route, 1 digit
- Hwy.County2 County route, 2 digits
- Hwy.County3 County route, 3 digits
- Hwy.ID1 Idaho route, 1 digit
- Hwy.ID2 Idaho route, 2 digits
- Hwy.ID3 Idaho route, 3 digits
- Hwy.Int1 Interstate route, 1 digit
- Hwy.Int2 Interstate route, 2 digits
- Hwy.Int3 Interstate route, 3 digits
- Hwy.IntBus1 Interstate business route, 1 digit
- Hwy.IntBus2 Interstate business route, 2 digits
- Hwy.IntBus3 Interstate business route, 3 digits
- Hwy.MT-2nd Montana secondary route
- Hwy.MT1 Montana route, 1 digit
- Hwy.MT2 Montana route, 2 digits
- Hwy.MT3 Montana route, 3 digits
- Hwy.NF1 Forest route, 1 digit
- Hwy.NF2 Forest route, 2 digits
- Hwy.NF3 Forest route, 3 digits
- Hwy.OR1 Oregon route, 1 digit
- Hwy.OR2 Oregon route, 2 digits
- Hwy.OR3 Oregon route, 3 digits
- Hwy.State1 State route (generic), 1 digit
- Hwy.State2 State route (generic), 2 digits
- Hwy.State3 State route (generic), 3 digits
- Hwy.US1 US route, 1 digit
- Hwy.US2 US route, 2 digits
- Hwy.US3 US route, 3 digits
- Hwy.WA1 Washington route, 1 digit
- Hwy.WA2 Washington route, 2 digits
- Hwy.WA3 Washington route, 3 digits
- Hwy.WY1 Wyoming route, 1 digit
- Hwy.WY2 Wyoming route, 2 digits
- Hwy.WY3 Wyoming route, 3 digits
Last updated: Wednesday, March 20, 2024