Naming ORD Features
Assign logical and descriptive Names to proposed ORD features such as Alignments, Profiles, Corridors, and Terrain Models. Remember that feature names show up in the Physical Data, so choose meaningful names that relate to the item. This naming convention may be modified to better describe the proposed features that are unique to a project.
The name of a feature consists of three descriptors: the ORD Entity Type, Feature Type, and an Identifier.
Example Feature Name: ALI_APPR_01 representing a Horizontal Alignment [ALI] for an Approach Road [APPR] with Identifier [01].
[ORD Entity Type] | _ | [Feature Type] | _ | [Identifier] |
[ALI] | [APPR] | [01] |
A single real-world feature often contains several ORD Entities. For example, a roadway mainline contains a Horizontal Alignment, Vertical Profile, and a Corridor Model. All three ORD Entities names should be identical, except for the ORD Entity Type prefix. For example, the ORD Entities that represent the roadway mainline would be named:
ALI_MAIN_01 | (Horizontal Alignment name) |
PRO_MAIN_01 | (Vertical Profile name) |
COR_MAIN_01 | (Corridor name) |
ORD Entity Type: The ORD Entity Type identifies the type of ORD Element that a feature represents. The ORD Entity Types are limited to: Alignments, Profiles, Corridors/Linear Templates, and Terrain Models. Write the ORD Entity Type in ALL CAPS.
ORD Entity Type Descriptors | |
ORD Entity Type | Description |
ALI | Horizontal Alignment |
PRO | Vertical Profile |
COR | Corridor Model or Linear Template Model |
TER | Terrain Model |
Feature Type: The Feature Type classifies the feature. The table below lists some common Feature Types. Custom Feature Type identifiers may be created if one cannot be found in the table below. Write the ORD Feature Type in ALL CAPS and limit added feature types to 4 alpha characters or less.
Feature Type Descriptors | |
Feature | Description |
MAIN | Mainline Roadway |
APPR | Approach Roads |
DRWY | Driveway |
PARK | Parking Lot |
HYDR | Hydraulic/Drainage Features |
CULV | Culvert |
DTCH | Ditch |
WALL | MSE Wall |
DETR | Temporary Diversions/Detours |
CURB | Curbing |
SDWK | Sidewalk |
Identifier: Assign each feature a two-digit numerical code, such as 03 . For example, the fourth approach road alignment in a project may be named: ALI_APPR_04 .
The Identifier may also be directly related to the real-world name for a feature. For example, a culvert alignment on a stream called Salt Creek create may be named: ALI_CULV_Salt . Alternatively, the mainline station where the feature is found may be used an Identifier. For example, a driveway alignment at 10+62 may be named ALI_DRWY_1062.
Write named Identifiers in Mixed Case; for example: ALI_MAIN_Riverside . The Mixed Case spelling helps to distinguish the identifier from the ORD Entity Type and Feature Type.
In some cases, an Identifier may NOT be necessary to describe a feature and distinguish it from other features in the project. In these cases, it acceptable to omit the Identifier. For example, if a project contains a single mainline alignment, then the name ALI_MAIN would be sufficient to distinguish it from other features in the project.
For more information see Section 3F of the FLH OpenRoads Designer User Manual.