Safety and NEPA Case Studies and Noteworthy Practices: North Dakota's US 85 Expansion
This case study presents how the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) was able to proactively address emerging system needs through the NEPA process and incorporate safety and minimize environmental impacts. The US Highway 85 (US 85) expansion project touches on...Safety and NEPA Case Studies and Noteworthy Practices: Incorporating Safety in to Project Purpose and Need
This case study documents formal guidance developed by three State DOTs and outlines noteworthy practices for incorporating safety as a project need: Pennsylvania DOT’s (PennDOT’s) Needs Study Handbook. Florida DOT’s (FDOT’s) Safety Analysis Guidebook for Project Development and...Safety and NEPA Case Studies and Noteworthy Practices: Colorado's I-25 South Gap
This case study presents how the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) was able to incorporate safety as part of the NEPA process to rapidly address a major transportation need for the State. The I-25 South Gap Environmental Assessment touches on several themes noted in FHWA’s...Improving Road Safety for All Users on Federal-Aid Projects Request for Information
Through the Improving Road Safety for All Users on Federal-Aid Projects Request for Information (RFI), FHWA requests comments on what strategies, programmatic adjustments or regulatory changes could help improve safety on U.S. roadways.