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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation
FHWA Highway Safety Programs

Hardware Eligibility Letters

Hardware, such as barriers, sign supports, and work zone devices are commonly used to reduce the potential severity of crashes on the roadside. Crash testing is used to evaluate the crashworthiness of these devices.

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 508) is a Federal law that requires Federal agencies to make electronic and information technology (EIT) accessible to people with disabilities in accordance with standards issued by the U.S. Access Board. The Access Board’s Section 508 Standards address the accessibility requirements for Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which encompasses EIT covered by Section 508, that federal agencies procure, develop, maintain, or use. Eligibility letters that FHWA posts on this website constitute ICT that must conform to the Section 508 Standards, and particularly the Section 508 Standards for electronic content at Section E205. These standards require electronic content to conform to Level A and Level AA Success Criteria and Conformance Requirements in WCAG 2.0 (Section E205.4). Therefore, FHWA posts eligibility letters on this website with attachments (manufacturers’ hardware drawings, test summaries, etc.) that meet Section 508 requirements.

ARCHIVED: FHWA Eligibility letters issued using NCHRP 350 testing criteria.

Letter Date Sort ascending Testing Manufacturer Hardware Type Device Description
B-334 MASH Wyoming Department of Transportation Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails Box Beam Guardrail
CC-157 MASH Roadway Systems Inc. Barrier Terminals and Crash Cushions MBEAT Terminal
B-331 MASH Highway Care Ltd. Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails HighwayGuard LDS TL-4
B-333 MASH Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails PennDOT PA Type 1OM Bridge Barrier
B-332 MASH Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails PennDOT W-Beam Guiderail over Underground Structure
CC-158 MASH TrafFix Devices Inc. Barrier Terminals and Crash Cushions Scorpion II Metro
B-328 MASH Laura Metaal Road Safety Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails SafeZone to SLED
WZ-364 MASH E-TECH Testing Services Inc Work Zone Devices 50SM-NS Temporary Sign Support
WZ-386 MASH TrafFix Devices LTD Work Zone Devices TrafFix Water Wall LCD Water Wall Fence Panels
WZ-383 MASH TrafFix Devices LTD Work Zone Devices Little Buster Sign Stand w/Roll-Up Sign