Archived Hardware Eligibility Letters – NCHRP 350
These letters are archived and are posted for "historical and research purposes only" per the sunset dates in the AASHTO/FHWA Joint Implementation Agreement and exceptions to these dates as posted on the AASHTO Committee on Design website.
Letter | Date Sort ascending | Testing | Manufacturer | Hardware Type | Device Description |
B-147 | NCHRP 350 | Various | Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails | Cable to Metal-beam guardrail transitions | |
B-141B | NCHRP 350 | Trinity | Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails | TL-3 CASS w/ 32.5-foot post spacing | |
CC-73C | NCHRP 350 | Energy Absorption Systems, Inc. | Barrier Terminals and Crash Cushions | TL-1 Wide REACT | |
WZ-235 | NCHRP 350 | CRSIGNS Inc. | Work Zone Devices | RubberSteel | |
WZ-236 | NCHRP 350 | Trafficade Service | Work Zone Devices | HD 3612 Sign Stand | |
B-141A | NCHRP 350 | Trinity | Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails | TL-3 CASS w/ driven posts at 20-foot spacing | |
WZ-100#7 | NCHRP 350 | Korman Signs | Work Zone Devices | Model SS548 Series and SS560 Series Portable Sign Stands | |
B-82C1 | NCHRP 350 | Hill & Smith Ltd. | Longitudinal Barriers and Bridge Rails | Shorter Length 3-cable WRSF @ TL-3 | |
SS-133 | NCHRP 350 | City of Spokane / Texas Trans. Inst. | Sign Supports, Mailboxes, and Delineator Posts | Upost, Steel tube, Slip Base | |
WZ-233 | NCHRP 350 | Plastic Safety Systems | Work Zone Devices | PSS Type III Barricade |