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Pedestrian Bicycle Research Initiatives

Project Information

Project ID:
Project Abstract:

This is a cooperative agreement (Agreement) to operate a national pedestrian and bicycle information center; conduct pedestrian and bicycle research, tracking, and technical assistance activities, including safe and accessible roadway design, livability, equity, micromobility, Complete Streets and economics; and develop resources and provide technical support activities and research related to safety behaviors (pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists) to enhance the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists on our Nation’s roadways. The national pedestrian and bicycle information center will support the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) efforts to promote an integrated, convenient, and safe transportation system for all users, with an emphasis on pedestrians and bicyclists. The national information center will disseminate techniques and strategies for improving pedestrian and bicyclist safety, develop information and educational programs and products related to pedestrian and bicycle facilities, provide tracking and technical support to safety professionals at the State, metropolitan planning organization (MPO), and local levels, and conduct research and technology activities for pedestrian and bicycle programs and activities.

Project Status:
Project Funding Amount (Contract Award Amount):
Start Date:
End Date:
Public Access Plan:
Grant/Contract ID:
  • DTFH6116H00029
FHWA Program Area:
  • Innovative Program Delivery
  • Safety
Fiscal Year / AMRP Program / AMRP Activity:
  • FY 2002-2022 / Planning, Environment, and Realty / Planning for Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety, Connectivity, and Multimodal Mobility, including for Underserved Communities
  • FY 2002-2022 / Planning, Environment, and Realty / Resiliency
FHWA Activity:
  • Pedestrian / Bicycle
Project Outputs:

There are a number of tangible projects that contribute to the output of various transportation topics.  See some below:

Guidebook for Developing Pedestrian and Bicycle Performance Measures

This guidebook is intended to help communities develop performance measures that can fully integrate pedestrian and bicycle planning in ongoing performance management activities. It highlights a broad range of ways that walking and bicycling investments, activity, and impacts can be measured and documents how these measures relate to goals identified in a community's planning process. It discusses how the measures can be tracked and what data are required, while also identifying examples of communities that are currently using the respective measures in their planning process.

For more info see

Pursuing Equity in Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning

Equity in transportation seeks fairness in mobility and accessibility to meet the needs of all community members. A central goal of transportation equity is to facilitate social and economic opportunities through equitable levels of access to affordable and reliable transportation options based on the needs of the populations being served, particularly populations that are traditionally underserved. Traditionally underserved groups include individuals in at least one of the following categories: low income, minority, elderly, limited English proficiency, or persons with disabilities. It is important to note that transportation equity does not mean allocating transportation resources in equal amounts to all people.

For more info:

Project Outcomes/Impact:

Reports and publications  provides current practices and emerging specifications in the area of  Ped/Bike, road design  safety, micromobility  and equity, etc. to assist state and local agencies in planning and operating streets to optimize use in urban, rural, and low income communities. More information on outcomes/impact please see resources

AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan

Contact Information

Livability Team
Office of Human Environment
Office Code:

Management Organizations

Sponsor Organization

Organization Role:
Sponsor Organization
Federal Highway Administration: Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty - Office of Human Environment
Contact Role:

Managing Organization

Organization Role:
Sponsor Organization
Pedestrian Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Contact Role:
Program Manager

Partners and Other Sponsor/Managing/Performing Organizations

Organization Role:
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Contact Role:
Program Manager
Organization Role:
Pedestrian Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Contact Role:
Program Manager
