Next-Gen National Household Travel Survey--National Origin-Destination Data Component
Project Information
In June 2020, the Federal Highway Administration awarded a contract to the University of Maryland (UMD) to compile the national origin-destination (OD) data component of the Next-Gen National Household Travel Survey (NextGen NHTS) program. The OD data component will leverage in-vehicle and smartphone application-generated passive mobility data to provide a national summary of travel between 583 zones, including all metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) and the non-MSA portions of each state and the District of Columbia. The OD tables will summarize annualized trip-making for passenger and truck travel concerning the volume of travel, trip distance, and weekday vs. weekend travel. The OD algorithms will impute traveler demographics, travel mode, and purpose for passenger trips. In addition, state and local government agencies participating in the Next Gen NHTS pooled fund study can purchase OD flow data at more disaggregate geographic zones to understand passenger and truck travel within their jurisdictions.
- Policy
- FY 2002-2022 / Policy / Highway and Transportation Data
- Data and Analysis
Methods, data, and technical reports.
- Collect and process passenger and truck origin-destination (O.D.) data.
- Trips from one region to other regions for work and leisure.
AMRP = Annual Modal Research Plan