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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

U.S. Transportation Secretary Slater Announces $121.8 Million in Grants for Surface Transportation Improvements

Friday, June 9, 2000
U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Public Affairs, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590

Contact: Jim Pinkelman
Tel.: 202-366-0660
FHWA 41-00

Providing Funds For Corridor and Border Infrastructure Projects

U.S. Transportation Secretary Rodney E. Slater today announced that $121.8 million in grants would be provided to 29 states for 65 projects as part of the National Corridor Planning and Development and the Coordinated Border Infrastructure programs for fiscal 2000.

"Investing wisely in transportation will improve safety, increase efficiency and strengthen the economy," Vice President Gore said. "These projects will provide long- and short-term jobs for hard-working Americans and allow for future economic expansion."

The National Corridor Planning and Development Program and the Coordinated Border Infrastructure Program are authorized by the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), the surface transportation law that President Clinton signed on June 9, 1998.

Both the corridor and the border programs provide the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) authority to allocate dollars to states and metropolitan planning organizations (MPO). The programs provided $123.6 million in fiscal 1999, will provide $121.8 million to states in fiscal 2000 and can provide up to $140 million each year over the last three fiscal years (2001-2003) of TEA-21.

"These funds will help to provide safer and more efficient movement of people and goods throughout the United States and help enhance the flow of commerce at key border points with our neighbors in Canada and Mexico," Secretary Slater said. "These projects underscore our continuing emphasis on safety, the Clinton-Gore Administration's highest transportation priority."

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), an agency within DOT, received about 150 funding requests for projects totaling about $2 billion. FHWA received a similar number of requests for fiscal 1999 funds. All applications were found to be at least partly eligible for funding, making the selection process extremely difficult.

Under the corridor program, the Department established TEA-21-based criteria for states and MPOs to apply for discretionary funds. Projects could be for any of the 21 high-priority corridors identified in the Intermodal Surface Transportation and Efficiency Act of 1991, the eight added in the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995, the 14 added in TEA-21, and other significant corridors based on factors specified in the TEA-21 statute.

The border program aims to improve border infrastructure and transportation telecommunications to facilitate the safe and efficient movement of people and goods at or across the U.S.-Canada and the U.S.-Mexico borders. Criteria under which the department could fund applications include reduction in travel time through a major international facility, potential for improvements in border crossing vehicle safety and cargo security, and the applicability of innovative techniques and technology to other border crossing facilities.

The grants apply to highway, rail and intermodal projects and demonstrate that states and localities are using multimodal solutions to transportation challenges, ensuring that the U.S. transportation system can meet the trade and transportation demands of the 21st century safely and efficiently.

For additional information about "borders and corridors" including a map of high priority corridors, visit the FHWA website at

The fiscal 2000 National Corridor Planning and Development Program and Coordinated Border Infrastructure Program grant recipients, by state, project and total allocation, are listed below.


State Project Award
ARIZONA as lead state (with NV) Detailed design and related work for Hoover Dam Bypass $2,000,000
ARIZONA Improved access to and egress from San Luis Port of Entry $1,000,000
ARIZONA Design, right-of-way acquisition and construction to expand Nogales commercial vehicle inspection station $1,175,000
ARKANSAS as lead state (with IN, KY, LA, MS, TN, TX) Environmental, location and related studies for future I-69 from Canada to lower Rio Grande Valley $8,000,000
ARKANSAS as lead state (with LA, MO) Interchange improvement and design improvements to four separate sections of US71 in Arkansas and Missouri $2,000,000
ARKANSAS as lead state (with MO) Environmental studies and related project development for improvements to U.S. 412 in northeast Arkansas and southeast Missouri in the vicinity of Springdale and Paragould $2,000,000
ARKANSAS as lead state (with MS) Geotechnical, preliminary engineering, design and environmental mitigation studies for Great River Bridge over Mississippi River $1,000,000
ARKANSAS Reconstruction and right-of-way acquisition along US 63 in Poinsett between Marked Tree and I-55 $500,000
CALIFORNIA Deploy and evaluate an ITS/CV technology system at the Otay Mesa Border Crossing $1,000,000
CALIFORNIA Construct commercial vehicle enforcement facilities for I-8 at Arizona State line and related work $1,800,000
CALIFORNIA Environmental study, design, and right-of-way acquisition along SR 905 in San Diego Metropolitan Area $7,500,000
CALIFORNIA Project development, right-of-way acquisition and construction grade separation projects in the Alameda Corridor East from E. Los Angeles to Pomona along Union Pacific/Southern Pacific Railroad line $1,240,000
CONNECTICUT Detailed design and construction of Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge in New Haven $500,000
FLORIDA Planning and design for corridor improvements approximately along US 231 from Panama City, Fla. to Dothan, Ala. $1,742,000
IDAHO Comprehensive corridor planning, environmental studies, and preliminary design near SR1 along US 95 near Canadian border $100,000
ILLINOIS Reconstruction and rehabilitation on the Stevenson Expressway between I-90/94 and I-294 in Chicago metropolitan area $6,968,000
INDIANA Environmental study related to proposed I-69 extension from Indianapolis to Evansville. $600,000
INDIANA Bridge replacement along Borman Expressway in Lake County and related work $1,500,000
IOWA as lead state (with IL, IN, KS, MN, MO, MI, NE, NE, OK, SD, TX) Study of ITS/CV (intelligent transportation systems/commercial vehicle) infrastructure along I-35, I-29, I-80 and I-94 corridors from Texas to North Dakota, Minnesota and Michigan. $600,000
IOWA Reconstruction at I-35/I-80 in Polk County, north of Des Moines city limits $1,500,000
KENTUCKY Preliminary engineering and environmental studies proposed I-66 corridor from west of Somerset County to south of London County $4,355,000
LOUISIANA Upgrade access control to U.S. 90 from Lafayette to vicinity of New Orleans $500,000
MAINE as lead state (with NH, VT) Improvements to US2 in New Hampshire and related work $1,306,500
MICHIGAN Right-of-way acquisition for access improvement to I-75 and I-96 in the vicinity of the Ambassador Bridge Gateway in Detroit $1,000,000
MICHIGAN Preliminary engineering for I-94 bridge over Black River in Port Huron $1,000,000
MICHIGAN To the General Services Administration for construction and improvements to U.S. Customs inspection facilities at the Ambassador Bridge Gateway in Detroit $1,000,000
MINNESOTA Feasibility study, environmental study, and improvements in Koochiching and St. Louis counties along US53 between Virginia and International Falls $3,000,000
MINNESOTA Access improvements to Port of Entry on SR 313 at Canadian border and construction related to the Port of Entry $75,000
MISSISSIPPI Construction of future I-69 from US 61 to SR 301 and from Odom Road to I-55 in Desoto and Tunica counties and related work $1,300,000
MISSISSIPPI Right-of-way acquisition for Appalachian Development Corridor V from the vicinity of the Pontotoc/Lee country line to the vicinity of Tupelo $1,000,000
MONTANA Feasibility study of Capitol Interchange in the vicinity of the City of Helena $82,251
NEW JERSEY Feasibility study of the Portway Development Corridor in the vicinity of Newark and Elizabeth $200,000
NEW MEXICO Design, environmental documentation and construction of an automated commercial vehicle inspection station on US 54 in Otera County $2,000,000
NEW YORK as lead state (with MI, ND primary; ME, MN, VT secondary) Multimodal electronic, physical and related work improvements to railroad entrance along Canadian border at Portal, N.D. and Port Huron, Mich. $1,500,000
NEW YORK as lead state (with NJ) Study of border crossings and high priority corridors in New York $200,000
NEW YORK as lead state (with NJ) Border crossing and corridor system studies for four border crossings, five corridors and for the Port of New York/New Jersey Lewiston-Queenston Bridge $1,000,000
NEW YORK Development work for a ITS/commercial vehicle operations inspection station on I-87 at Canadian border $500,000
NEW YORK Installation of complex automated license plate readers and supporting data management system for Canadian border crossings in Niagara County and related work $400,000
NEW YORK Reconstruction and related work along I-87 at Canadian border $400,000
NEW YORK Final design, Right-of-way acquisition and reconstruction along US 219 from vicinity of Springville to vicinity of Salamanca $2,260,000
NEW YORK Relocate Amtrak station to a site near Whirlpool-Rapids Bridge and related work $200,000
NEW YORK Study to develop corridor management plan in the vicinity of JFK International Airport $200,000
NEW YORK Improvements to Whirlpool-Rapids Bridge complex near Niagara Falls $800,000
NEW YORK Planning, design and construction of an international gateway district and economic development corridor in the vicinity of City of Buffalo $1,000,000
NORTH CAROLINA ITS study and equipment installation on US 52 in Winston-Salem $800,000
OHIO Environmental studies and other analysis along I-75 between Dayton and Cincinnati $400,000
PENNSYLVANIA as lead state (with NY) Study of economic impact and transportation analysis from Pennsylvania to Buffalo, N.Y. along US 219 $400,000
PENNSYLVANIA Construction and related work to Mon-Fayette Expressway between I-70 and SR 51 and final design between Uniontown and Brownsville. $1,000,000
PENNSYLVANIA Preliminary engineering and environmental studies along US 219 in Somerset County $500,000
PENNSYLVANIA Study of water transportation technology improvements on the Ohio River from Pittsburgh to Brownsville. $400,000
PENNSYLVANIA Study of alternative transportation routes, modes, freight operations and technology between Port of Wilmington, Del. and vicinity of Harrisburg, Pa. $200,000
SOUTH DAKOTA Construction and reconstruction of interchange where Heartland Expressway meets SR 44 $2,000,000
TENNESSEE Survey and design work along future I-69 in Dyer and Obion counties from Dyersburg to just south of Kentucky state line $2,000,000
TENNESSEE Reconstruction and addition of lanes in the vicinity of the I-40/I-240 midtown interchange in Memphis $3,000,000
TEXAS Right-of-way acquisition and construction of border related safety inspection facilities at Texas-Mexico border in Cameron, El Paso, Hidalgo, Maverick, and Webb Counties $1,000,000
TEXAS Related work for railroad relocation project in Brownsville $1,000,000
TEXAS Installation of weigh-in-motion and automated vehicle identification devices and a host computer system at four Laredo ports of entry $1,000,000
TEXAS Relocate headhouse (administrative station) and add one lane to Paso del Norte International Bridge in El Paso and related work $1,000,000
TEXAS Reconstruction of road in Hidalgo County metro area $1,240,000
TEXAS Environmental Study for Corridor 18 from northeast Texas to lower Rio Grande Valley $13,065,000
VIRGINIA Corridor planning and environment and design studies for the Route 104 corridor in the City of Chesapeake $400,000
WASHINGTON STATE Construction of grade separation, port access, and railroad terminal access improvements along the FAST (Freight Action Strategy) corridor for the Tacoma-Seattle-Everett area $2,613,000
WASHINGTON STATE Work relating to weigh-in-motion facilities in Whatcom County at the Canadian border and for construction of a truck staging area $871,000
WEST VIRGINIA Construction work on the Mon-Fayette Expressway in Monongalia County $10,452,000
WISCONSIN Reconstruction and widening along SR 29 in the vicinity of Chippewa Falls $10,452,000
  Total $121,796,751

