U.S. Transportation Secretary Mineta Announces $9.5 Million for Texas Highway and Bridge Projects

Contact: Lori Irving, Telephone: (202) 366-0660
FHWA 5-04l
U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta today announced that newly released funds from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will help reduce congestion, enhance safety and improve traffic flow at key transportation projects around the state. The Bush administration is providing more than $9.5 million for the rehabilitation of the Ports-to-Plains Highway between Del Rio and Eagle Pass, for widening of State Highway 158 in Sterling County and for 23 other Texas transportation projects.
"Investing in Texas highways is the best way to get people to their jobs, families to their homes and goods to market," Secretary Mineta said.
Several of the projects will ease congestion on some of the state's most heavily traveled roads. The Bush administration has slated over $637,000 for the rehabilitation of the Ports-to-Plains Highway and $463,000 for the widening of SH 158.
Other projects include $536,000 for replacement of the Trinity River Bridge on Interstate 35 in downtown Dallas and upgrading the Chambers Creek Bridges through central Texas.
"The funding we're announcing today is an investment in the transportation infrastructure of Texas and the region," said FHWA Administrator Mary Peters. "The President understands that these investments are important to our quality of life and to keep our economy moving."
The following table shows the programs and projects funded by these grants.
Borders and Corridors | 2,464,540 |
Donna-Rio Bravo International Border Crossing | 463,913 |
Loop 20, Laredo | 434,919 |
Ports-to-Plains Highway Rehabilitation Between Del Rio and Eagle Pass | 637,881 |
SH 158 Widening in Sterling County | 463,913 |
US 83 Anzalduas Connection Road and Structures to New International Bridge | 289,946 |
US 87 Bypass Around Big Spring | 173,968 |
Bridge | 1,406,236 |
I-35 Trinity River Bridge | 536,399 |
IH-35E Chambers Creek Bridges | 869,837 |
Ferry Boat | 289,946 |
Passenger Ferry, Port of Corpus Christi | 289,946 |
Interstate Maintenance | 884,334 |
I-35 East/I-635 interchange, Dallas | 536,400 |
IH35/SH45 interchange at Round Rock | 115,978 |
Kelly USA: New Luke Road | 115,978 |
Widening Interstate 35 East between FM 2181 and Lake Lewisville, Denton County | 115,978 |
ITS | 2,726,939 |
Houston, Texas ITS | 809,982 |
Texas Medical Center EMS Early Warning System | 539,988 |
Integrate and implement DYNASMART-X, RHODES and CLAIRE in Houston | 269,994 |
ITS Technologies, San Antonio | 107,998 |
Multi Region Advanced Traveler Information | 296,993 |
System (ATIS) for the IH-20 Corridor--Phase 1 in Texas | |
Reg.ITS Arch. & Depl. Plan for the Eagle Pass Reg. & Integ.with Laredo | 161,996 |
Rural Freeway Management System. Implement for the IH-20 Corridor in the Tyler Reg.-- Phase 1 | 107,998 |
Texas Statewide ITS Deployment and Integration, City of Lubbock | 215,995 |
Texas Statewide ITS Deployment and Integration, Port of Galveston | 215,995 |
Public Lands | 1,339,492 |
IH20 Dyess Air Force Base Access Project | 773,828 |
Tank Destroyer Boulevard, Fort Hood | 565,664 |
TCSP | 434,919 |
Clarksville Square, Clarksville | 144,973 |
Trinity River Visions Neighborhood Linkage | 289,946 |