U.S. Transportation Secretary Mineta Announces $22 Million In Grants For 207 Scenic Byways Projects

Contact: Stephanie Roth
(202) 366-0660
FHWA 02-06
Washington, DC – Local communities in 42 states will receive more than $22 million in federal grants for 207 projects that improve and promote highways designated as scenic byways, U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta announced today.
The grants are part of the Federal Highway Administration’s National Scenic Byways Program, which recognizes and enhances selected roads based on their archeological, cultural, historic, natural, recreational or scenic qualities. The grants will be used for projects such as scenic overlooks, visitor information centers, pedestrian trails, bike paths, safety upgrades, and educational and promotional materials.
“Scenic byways capture our imagination, lead us to understanding, and fill us with wonder," Mineta said. "This investment ensures that we can protect and promote the roads that make America great," he added.
Since 1992, the National Scenic Byways Program has awarded more than $250 million in grants for more than 1,800 state and nationally designated byway projects.
“The grants we’re announcing today will help preserve and promote a collection of diverse American roads that provide unique travel destinations and support countless small businesses,” said Federal Highway Deputy Administrator J. Richard Capka.
More information about the National Scenic Byways Program is available on the Internet at www.bywaysonline.org.
Note: The following table lists the National Scenic Byways Program grants. For more information on specific projects, please contact FHWA public affairs at 202-366-0660.
National Scenic Byways Projects
State | Project Name | Amount Funded |
Alabama | Selma Interpretive Center - Selma to Montgomery March Byway | $528,693 |
Total for Alabama (1 project) | $528,693 | |
Alaska | Interpreting Alaska's Marine Highway Wildlife Story | $112,520 |
Official Alaska State Highway & Byway Map | $83,050 | |
Richardson Highway Corridor Management Plan | $120,000 | |
Glenn Highway Corridor Management Plan Implementation (Year 3) | $25,000 | |
Glenn Highway Scenic Byway Public Relations Outreach Project | $117,880 | |
Total for Alaska (5 projects) | $458,450 | |
Arizona | Scenic Byways Brochures to Market Arizona's Scenic Byways | $77,600 |
Resource Protection Plan for Dine'Tah "Among the People" Scenic Byway (AZ and NM) | $64,000 | |
Arizona Highways 2005-Marketing Scenic Byways Website & Book | $164,480 | |
Update Application Procedures for Parkway, Historic and Scenic Roads in Arizona | $21,000 | |
Interpretive Plan for Dine'Tah "Among the People" Scenic Byway (AZ and NM) | $104,000 | |
Total for Arizona (5 projects) | $431,080 | |
Arkansas | Crowley's Ridge Parkway - Implementation of Corridor Management Plan [Year 3] | $25,000 |
Arkansas Great River Road - Implementation of Corridor Management Plan [Year 2] | $25,000 | |
Wynne Visitor Kiosks - Crowley's Ridge Parkway | $200,640 | |
Mississippi River State Park Visitor Center | $280,800 | |
Total for Arkansas (4 projects) | $531,440 | |
California | Volcanic Legacy Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation, Community Partnership Support [Year 3] | $25,000 |
Volcanic Legacy Scenic Byway Interpretive Plans | $66,320 | |
San Luis Obispo North Coast Byway/Route 1 - Cayucos Scenic Viewshed Acquisition | $500,000 | |
Marketing the Volcanic Legacy Scenic Byway, "Scenic Highways and Byways of Northern California" | $74,333 | |
Cayucos Old Creek Bridge Crossing - San Luis Obispo North Coast Byway | $200,000 | |
Volcanic Legacy Scenic Byway Orientation Stations | $318,700 | |
Total for California (6 projects) | $1,184,353 | |
Colorado | Grand Mesa Scenic and Historic Byway - Westbench Trailhead Restroom & Interpretive Signage | $67,000 |
West Elk Loop Byway Wayside Exhibit Panels | $32,000 | |
Colorado River Headwaters Business Plan | $40,330 | |
Trail of the Ancients Marketing Plan | $32,000 | |
Flat Tops Trail Scenic and Historic Byway Planning, Training and Marketing Project | $50,000 | |
Byway Market Niche Research Program - Statewide | $80,000 | |
Alpine Loop Scenic Byway Travel Management Plan | $55,000 | |
Unaweep/Tabequache Scenic and Historic Byway - Marketing Plan | $64,800 | |
San Juan Skyway Conservation Easement | $100,000 | |
Gold Belt Byway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 5] | $25,000 | |
Frontier Pathways - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 5] | $25,000 | |
Top of the Rockies - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 5] | $25,000 | |
San Juan Skyway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 3] | $25,000 | |
Grand Mesa - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 5] | $25,000 | |
Santa Fe Trail - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 4] | $25,000 | |
Top of the Rockies - Climax Mine Site Interpretation Project | $17,300 | |
Total for Colorado (16 projects) | $688,430 | |
Delaware | Brandywine Valley Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan Implementation | $87,600 |
Total for Delaware (1 project) | $87,600 | |
Florida | Indian River Lagoon - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 2] | $25,000 |
A1A Scenic & Historic Coastal Byway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 3] | $25,000 | |
2006-2007 Statewide Byways Conference | $32,344 | |
Old Florida Heritage Highway - Corridor Management | $105,440 | |
Total for Florida (4 projects) | $187,784 | |
Georgia | Historic Piedmont Scenic Byway - Rock Hawk Effigy Mound Improvements and Marketing Materials | $70,472 |
Cohutta - Chattahoochee Scenic Byway - Construction of Three Trailheads | $325,550 | |
Total for Georgia (2 projects) | $396,022 | |
Idaho | Payette River Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation (Phase 3) | $25,000 |
Pend Oreille Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation (Phase 3) | $25,000 | |
Northwest Passage Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation (Phase 3) | $25,000 | |
Idaho Scenic Byways Promotion and Marketing Program | $92,392 | |
Northwest Passage Scenic Byway - Auto Tour CD/Map Update | $22,250 | |
Ponderosa Pine, Salmon River, and Sawtooth Scenic Byways - Stanley Visitor Center Renovation | $138,232 | |
Western Heritage Historic Byway - On-Road Bike/Ped Path, Signage | $640,000 | |
Total for Idaho (7 projects) | $967,874 | |
Illinois | Illinois Lincoln Highway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation (Year 5) | $25,000 |
Historic National Road - Corridor Management Plan Implementation (Year 5) | $25,000 | |
Ohio River Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation (Year 5) | $25,000 | |
Marquette and Joliet Wetlands Nature Walk - Meeting of the Great Rivers | $56,000 | |
Trio of Brochures for Great River Road in Illinois - New Agri-Tourism Brochure, Coloring Book, and Updated Centerpiece Brochure | $55,680 | |
Illinois Lincoln Highway - Interpretive Facilities Implementation - Phase I | $184,800 | |
Byway Marketing Activities - Meeting of the Great Rivers Scenic Route | $78,400 | |
Metropolis/Massac County Mural Project - Ohio River Scenic Byway | $80,000 | |
Children's Garden - Great River Road | $750,000 | |
Total for Illinois (9 projects) | $1,279,880 | |
Indiana | Ohio River Scenic Byway of Indiana: Plan Update and Professional Development (Year 4) | $25,000 |
Indiana National Road Association Sustainment and Future Planning (Year 4) | $25,000 | |
Trail Construction and Interpretation of the Whitewater River Gorge - Historic National Road | $320,000 | |
Total for Indiana (3 projects) | $370,000 | |
Kansas | Statewide Scenic Byway Conference 2006 | $21,280 |
Kansas Scenic Byways Kiosks | $128,000 | |
Statewide Byway Video and Photographs for Media | $53,520 | |
Flint Hills Scenic Byway - Restoration of Historic Council Grove "Bowers" Community Center Phase II | $47,334 | |
Total for Kansas (4 projects) | $250,134 | |
Louisiana | Review of Statewide Program and Development of Comprehensive Management Plans for Several Byways | $176,000 |
13-Parish Byways Project-CD of the Byways/Small Brochure | $7,200 | |
Creole Nature Trail All-American Road - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 4] | $25,000 | |
Total for Louisiana (3 projects) | $208,200 | |
Maine | Rangeley Lakes Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 5] | $25,000 |
Schoodic Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 5] | $25,000 | |
Acadia Byway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 3] | $24,000 | |
Old Canada Road Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 5] | $24,800 | |
State Route 27 - Chain of Ponds Scenic Overlook | $46,400 | |
Schoodic Scenic Byway - Winter Harbor Sidewalks and Interpretive Signage | $100,000 | |
Old Canada Road - Financial Sustainability Project | $32,200 | |
State Route 27 - Flagstaff Lake Scenic Overlook | $60,160 | |
Old Canada Road - Interpretation in Sandy Bay and Solon | $22,080 | |
Rangeley Lakes Scenic Byway - Restrooms | $150,000 | |
Total for Maine (10 projects) | $509,640 | |
Maryland | Historic National Road - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 3] | $25,000 |
Chesapeake Country Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Implementation [Year 2] | $25,000 | |
"15 on 15" Marketing Program for the Catoctin Mountain Scenic Byway (US15) | $44,480 | |
Maryland Scenic Byways Economic Impact and Market Study | $144,000 | |
Michener's Chesapeake Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan | $160,000 | |
Religious Freedom Tour Corridor Management Plan | $150,400 | |
Historic National Road Community Design Guides | $60,000 | |
Total for Maryland (7 projects) | $608,880 | |
Massachusetts | Jacob’s Ladder Trail, Hampden Park Rehabilitation | $126,917 |
Essex National Heritage Area Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan | $96,000 | |
Wachusett Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan | $88,000 | |
Total for Massachusetts (3 projects) | $310,917 | |
Michigan | Woodward Avenue - Implementation of Corridor Management [Year 2] | $24,000 |
Iron County Heritage Trail, US-2: Pathway Feasibility Study | $60,000 | |
Woodward Avenue - Developing the Byway Story Phase II | $396,000 | |
M-119 Tunnel of Trees Wooden Bridge Project | $320,000 | |
Total for Michigan (4 projects) | $800,000 | |
Minnesota | St. Croix Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Plan Development | $69,600 |
Historic Bluff Country - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 3] | $25,000 | |
North Shore Scenic Drive - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 5] | $25,000 | |
Minnesota River Valley - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 2] | $25,000 | |
Edge of the Wilderness - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 5] | $25,000 | |
Great River Road - - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 5] | $25,000 | |
Minnesota River Valley - Interpretative Panels | $29,600 | |
Explore Minnesota Tourism - Marketing Minnesota's Scenic Byways | $90,000 | |
North Shore Scenic Drive - Wayfinding | $64,800 | |
Great River Road - TH 371 Rest Area Interpretive Planning and Installation | $80,000 | |
Lake Country Scenic Byway - Community Signs | $44,400 | |
Edge of the Wilderness Scenic Byway - McKinney Lake Recreation Area | $75,000 | |
Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway - Interpretive Plan Implementation (Tour Brochure) | $20,158 | |
Glacial Ridge Trail - Trail Development/Interpretation at Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center | $11,600 | |
Great River Road - Babe the Blue Ox Rehabilitation | $68,000 | |
Scenic Highway - (CSAH 10/39) Logo Signing Project | $6,500 | |
Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway - Historic mailcarrier interpretation for byway visitors | $40,560 | |
Total for Minnesota (17 projects) | $725,218 | |
Mississippi | Natchez Trace Parkway Marketing Enhancement Plan (AL, MS & TN) | $184,200 |
Total for Mississippi (1 project) | $184,200 | |
Missouri | The Old Trails Road: Corridor Management Plan and Interpretive Booklet | $88,000 |
Little Dixie Highway of the Great River Road: Holcim Cement Plant and Clarksville Refuge Interpretive Site - Phase 2 | $411,626 | |
Little Dixie Highway of the Great River Road - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 3] | $24,000 | |
Little Dixie Highway of the Great River Road: The Slave-Slaveholder Connection | $11,110 | |
Little Dixie Highway of the Great River Road: Buffalo Fort Interpretive Site | $28,089 | |
Total for Missouri (5 projects) | $562,825 | |
Montana | Beartooth All-American Road - Corridor Management Plan Implementation, Phase 2 (MT and WY) | $25,000 |
Total for Montana (1 project) | $25,000 | |
Nebraska | Nebraska Byways Membership Recruitment and Education Packets | $117,998 |
Heritage Tourism along Nebraska's Nine Byways | $82,516 | |
Lincoln Highway Marketing and Advertising Plan | $16,000 | |
Nebraska Byways - Audio/Visual Updates for Videos, TV and Radio Commercials | $115,612 | |
Total for Nebraska (4 projects) | $332,126 | |
Nevada | Nevada Scenic Byway Logo Revitalization and Sign Replacement Program | $37,600 |
Nevada: Statewide Byway Marketing Plan | $12,000 | |
Lamoille Canyon Corridor Management Plan | $20,190 | |
Total for Nevada (3 projects) | $69,790 | |
New Hampshire | White Mountain Trail: Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 4] | $25,000 |
White Mountain Trail/Kancamagus Scenic Byway - Mt. Washington Scenic Overlook Improvements | $360,000 | |
New Hampshire North Country Byways: Stewartstown Scenic & Cultural Byway Historic Resource Protection Project: Phase I | $134,999 | |
Total for New Hampshire (3 projects) | $519,999 | |
New Mexico | Turquoise Trail - Madrid Cultural Projects Restroom Facilities & Interpretive Display | $84,100 |
El Camino Real - Santa Fe County Interpretive Plan and Signs along the Santa Fe River | $39,941 | |
Jemez Mountain Trail - Red Rock Restroom Construction Project | $56,000 | |
Native Heritage Trail - Corridor Management Plan | $31,794 | |
Geronimo Trail Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Plan | $32,400 | |
Statewide Scenic Byways Drive-Market Penetration Campaign & Collateral Enhancement | $80,000 | |
El Camino Real/Route 66 Urban Plaza and Interpretation on Isleta Boulevard | $80,800 | |
Trail of the Mountain Spirits Scenic Byway - Marketing | $52,800 | |
Jemez Mountain Trail - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 2] | $25,000 | |
Santa Fe Trail - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 1] | $25,000 | |
Total for New Mexico (10 projects) | $507,835 | |
New York | New York State Scenic Byways: Multiple Byway Signing Project | $240,424 |
Lakes to Locks Passage: Developing Sustainable Partnerships - Corridor Management Plan Implementation (Year 3) | $25,000 | |
Lakes to Locks Passage: Corridor Management Plan Update Project | $64,000 | |
Seaway Trail: Birding the Seaway Trail Project | $144,700 | |
Mohawk Towpath Byway: Trail Linking Waterford Harbor to Lock No. 2 Project | $30,790 | |
Adirondack North Country Byways: Web Marketing Project | $72,000 | |
Route 20 Scenic Byway: Marketing Plan Project | $60,000 | |
Cayuga Lake Scenic Byway: Interpretive Signage Project | $34,916 | |
Lakes to Locks Passage: Visitor Information and Interpretation Project | $190,000 | |
Total for New York (9 projects) | $861,830 | |
North Dakota | Sheyenne River Valley Scenic Byway – Corridor Management Plan Implementation (Year 3) | $23,311 |
Standing Rock Native American Scenic Byway - Traveler Services | $172,000 | |
Sheyenne River Valley National Scenic Byway: Byway Facilities | $29,258 | |
Standing Rock Native American Scenic Byway "Pageant of the Plains" | $25,000 | |
Total for North Dakota (4 projects) | $249,569 | |
Ohio | Ohio National Road Association - Corridor Management Plan Implementation (Year 2) | $25,000 |
CanalWay Ohio - Corridor Management Implementation [Year 2] | $25,000 | |
Ohio River Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 3] | $25,000 | |
Amish Country Byway Organization & Volunteer Development: Master Naturalist Program [Year 3] | $25,000 | |
CanalWay Signage - Phase 1 | $400,000 | |
Lake Erie Coastal Ohio Trail Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 1] | $25,000 | |
Total for Ohio (6 projects) | $525,000 | |
Oklahoma | Robert S. Kerr Nature Center - Interpretive Signs - Talimena Scenic Drive | $150,000 |
Oklahoma Statewide Policy, Training, and Marketing Project | $8,200 | |
Marketing the Talimena Scenic Drive (OK and AR) | $4,800 | |
Robert S. Kerr Interpretive Center-ADA Improvements Project - Talimena Scenic Drive | $51,800 | |
Total for Oklahoma (4 projects) | $304,800 | |
Oregon | Volcanic Legacy All-American Road - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 1] | $25,000 |
Hells Canyon All-American Road - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 2] | $25,000 | |
Pacific Coast Scenic Byway - All-American Road Marketing Brochure | $25,600 | |
Hells Canyon All-American Road - Interpretation Plan, Phase II | $108,593 | |
Volcanic Legacy All-American Road - Crystal Springs Byway Orientation Station | $39,500 | |
Pacific Coast Scenic Byway - South Tillamook Vehicle Turnouts | $258,000 | |
Rogue-Umpqua Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 1] | $25,000 | |
Elkhorn Scenic Byway - Interpretive Sites | $302,000 | |
Total for Oregon (8 projects) | $808,693 | |
Pennsylvania | Historic National Road – Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 2] | $22,500 |
Seaway Trail - Shades Beach Park Off-Shore Improvements Project | $500,000 | |
Total for Pennsylvania (2 projects) | $522,500 | |
South Carolina | Cherokee Foothills Scenic Byway - Corridor Management Plan Implementation (Year 4) | $25,000 |
Bohicket Road Corridor Management Plan | $34,760 | |
Corridor Management and Coordination Plan of 8 Lowcountry Scenic Highways | $41,200 | |
Edisto Scenic Highway 174 Corridor Management Plan | $57,472 | |
Cherokee Foothills National Scenic Byway - Restoration & Adaptation of Blythe-Goodwin-Hagood House | $493,672 | |
Total for South Carolina (5 projects) | $652,104 | |
South Dakota | Bismarck Lake Accessible Boardwalk Trail and Day Use Facility – Peter Norbeck Scenic Byway | $176,000 |
Cheyenne River - Native American Scenic Byway Points of Interest Signage Project | $82,464 | |
Total for South Dakota (2 projects) | $258,464 | |
Tennessee | Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan - Tennessee River Trails | $187,264 |
Total for Tennessee (1 project) | $187,264 | |
Utah | Cottonwood Canyons Corridor Management and Interpretive Plans | $240,000 |
Dead Horse Point Mesa Scenic Byway & Potash-Lower Colorado River Scenic Byway - CMP Development & Exhibit Design & Construction | $32,000 | |
Nebo Loop National Scenic Byway - Non-Motorized Trail Project | $418,687 | |
Total for Utah (3 projects) | $690,687 | |
Vermont | Smugglers' Notch Scenic Route - Phase IV: Notch Proper & Barnes Camp Visitor Centers | $925,000 |
Total for Vermont (1 project) | $925,000 | |
Virginia | Virginia Capital Trail Interpretive Information - Route 5 Scenic Byway | $85,200 |
International Marketing Campaign for Virginia and Maryland Byways | $94,748 | |
Marketing the Colonial Parkway and America's Historic Triangle | $396,000 | |
Total for Virginia (3 projects) | $575,948 | |
Washington | The River and The Road Implementation Project - North Pend Oreille Scenic Byway | $189,360 |
Byway Facilities & Interpretive Improvements, Phase 2 - Coulee Corridor | $165,800 | |
Olympic Coastal Corridor Visitor Center - Pacific Coast Scenic Byway | $278,000 | |
Byway Facility Implementation - Palouse Scenic Byway | $112,096 | |
Mountains to Sound Greenway Wayside Exhibits Project | $45,000 | |
Mountains to Sound Greenway - Implementation of Corridor Management Plan [Year 2] | $25,000 | |
Total for Washington (6 projects) | $815,256 | |
West Virginia | Staunton Pakersburg Turnpike Interpretive Signs & Audio History | $89,600 |
Mountain Parkway Treasures Within the Mountains IV - Restroom Facilities | $28,362 | |
Historic National Road - Implementation of Corridor Management Plan [Year 3] | $25,000 | |
Washington Heritage Trail - Implementation of Corridor Management Plan [Year 4] | $25,000 | |
Midland Trail - Implementation of Corridor Management Plan [Year 5] | $25,000 | |
Paint Creek Scenic Trail Corridor Management Plan | $80,000 | |
Country Roads Corridor Management Plan | $50,000 | |
Historic National Road Audio Walking Tour and Touchscreen Kiosks | $48,117 | |
Washington Heritage Trail Interpretive Signs and Living History Program | $112,240 | |
Midland Trail Interpretive Historic Murals and Brochure | $256,477 | |
Marketing North Central Byways and Backways through a Website | $11,540 | |
Total for West Virginia (11 projects) | $751,336 | |
Wisconsin | Great River Road - Corridor Management Plan Implementation [Year 3] | $25,000 |
Great River Road - "Just Around the Next River Bend..." - Marketing | $25,000 | |
Potosi Great River Road Visitor Center & Potosi Brewery Museum | $397,844 | |
Total for Wisconsin (3 projects) | $447,844 | |
Wyoming | Shell Falls Redevelopment Project--Facilities Construction and Exhibit Fabrication | $1,154,835 |
Total for Wyoming (1 project) | $1,154,835 | |
Grand Total: | $22,457,500 | |
Total Projects Funded: | 207 |