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U.S. Transportation Secretary Awards $11.8 Million in Training Grants

Monday, March 22, 2010
U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Public Affairs, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590

FHWA 04-10
Contact: Nancy Singer
Phone: 202-366-0660

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Supporting Job Training for Transportation-Related Careers in 19 States and Two Territories

WASHINGTON - U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood today announced $11.8 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) job training grants for 19 states, Guam and Puerto Rico.

The grants, from the Federal Highway Administration's "On the Job Training/Supportive Services" (OJT/SS) program, fund apprenticeships and training centers for underrepresented or disadvantaged people pursuing careers in transportation, engineering or construction.

"Creating good jobs is what the Recovery Act is about, and these grants help people to get them and do them well," said Secretary LaHood. "We can never have enough well-trained people to help take care of our highway system, and these grants support those who help us keep America moving."

Created in 1998, the OJT/SS program promotes training opportunities for women and minorities who continue to be underrepresented in the highway construction industry's skilled and semi-skilled crafts, such as masonry and carpentry.

"By giving people the skills they need to succeed in highway construction," said Federal Highway Administrator Victor Mendez, "these grants will help people find jobs and are a valuable part of our efforts to sustain economic recovery."

A notable example of the OJT/SS programs is the Wounded Warrior program, which has been adopted by many states to help wounded active-duty military personnel keep job skills sharp or develop new ones while they recuperate. Colorado and Idaho each received grants for their Wounded Warrior programs.

Details of today's awardees are as follows:

OJT/SS  (ARRA-funded)

State Recipient Organization Amount Awarded ($)
Alabama Surface Transportation Internship Program 269,658
California Northern California Teamsters Apprentice Training 208,543
California Sacramento Employment and Training Agency (SETA) 338,590
California Century Community Training Program (CCTP) 290,000
California United Job Creation Council (UJCC) 254,840
California Family Management Matters (Warriors Career Bridge) 256,620
California Pacific Gateway - City of Long Beach 230,789
California Center for Training and Careers (CTC) 796,415
California California Disabled Veteran Business (DVBE) Alliance 367,483
Colorado Wounded Warrior 150,000
Colorado Colorado Department of Transportation 210,000
Guam Guam Transportation Training Program 900,000
Guam Guam Transportation Training Program - Pacific Islanders Training Center 660,000
Idaho Idaho Technology Transfer Center 55,448
Idaho Wounded Warrior 99,330
Illinois Illinois Department of Transportation 1,189,635
Maryland Maryland State Highway Administration 240,000
Maine Maine Department of Transportation 351,409
Michigan Michigan Department of Transportation 514,500
Minnesota Roads Opportunities and Diversity Success 173,232
Minnesota Highway-Heavy Opportunities Training Program 739,200
Missouri Missouri Department of Transportation OJT/SS Program 240,851
Montana Salish Kootenai College 364,987
Nevada Nevada Department of Transportation 240,428
New York Youth Construction Initiative Program (YCIP) 848,019
Ohio Ohio Department of Transportation 318,416
Oklahoma Association of Oklahoma Contractors 96,180
Oregon Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians Workforce Development Program 60,010
Oregon Pre-Apprenticeship Education for Ironwork and Welding 120,000
Pennsylvania Construction Inspection Technical Assistant Training Program 169,023
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Department of Transportation OJT/SS Program 300,000
Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority OJT/SS Program 41,101
Texas Texas Construction Career Academy 213,263
West Virginia Step Up for Women 292,000
West Virginia West Virginia State Community and Technical College 198,353
TOTAL   $11,798,323

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