U.S. Transportation Deputy Secretary Downey Announces New All-American Roads, National Scenic Byways in 20 States

Contact: Lori Irving
Tel.: 202-366-0660
FHWA 42-00
U.S. Deputy Secretary of Transportation Mortimer L. Downey today announced that 30 roads in 20 states have been designated All-American Roads or National Scenic Byways for 2000. The roads were selected for this designation because of the their important scenic, natural, historical, cultural, archaeological or recreational qualities.
"President Clinton and Vice President Gore have asked that our commitment to conservation grow as our communities grow," Downey said. "Designation as an All-American Road or National Scenic Byway helps preserve roads that have become American icons so that all can continue to benefit from their beauty and importance."
All-American Roads, the higher designation, provide visitors with a unique driving experience and are considered destinations unto themselves. They provide an exceptional traveling experience such that motorists go to these highways as a primary reason for their trip.
National Scenic Byways are exceptional roads through areas that exemplify regional characteristics. They possess distinctive cultural, historic, natural or other qualities unique among neighboring states.
Under the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), approximately $25 million is available annually through the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for the scenic byways discretionary grant program. The funds may be used for planning as well as enhancing and promoting the byways. FHWA manages the program. Today's announcement marks the third round of designations.
"All-American Roads and National Scenic Byways define a unique American experience," FHWA Administrator Kenneth R. Wykle said. "Travelers on these roads can look into the heart and soul of America and connect with the stories which have made America what it is today."
The National Scenic Byways Program, which covers both All-American Roads and National Scenic Byways, was created to preserve and protect the nation's scenic byways and, at the same time, promote tourism and economic development. Participation in the program is voluntary and encompasses any public road or highway. The National Scenic Byways Program emphasizes local involvement.
The roads nominated for designation this year as All-American Roads and National Scenic Byways were considered by a panel of experts. Panel members were chosen based on, among other things, their experience with the six qualities expected of All-American Roads and National Scenic Byways.
Information on All-American Roads and National Scenic Byways, including color photos and maps, is available on the Internet at http://www.byways.org.
Today's ceremony will bring the total number of National Scenic Byways and All-American Roads to 72. A list of all 57 National Scenic Byways and 15 All-American Roads follows, with asterisks indicating the newly designated roads.
All-American Roads
Selma To Montgomery March Byway (Alabama)
Natchez Trace Parkway (Alabama, Mississippi & Tennessee)
The Seward Highway (Alaska)*
Route One, Big Sur Coast Highway (California)
San Juan Skyway (Colorado)
Trail Ridge Road/Beaver Meadow Road (Colorado)
Acadia Byway (Maine)*
North Shore Scenic Drive (Minnesota)*
Las Vegas Strip (Nevada)*
Blue Ridge Parkway (North Carolina)
Hells Canyon Scenic Byway (Oregon)*
Historic Columbia River Highway (Oregon)
Volcanic Legacy Scenic Byway (Oregon)
Mather Memorial Parkway - SR 410 (Washington)
Beartooth Scenic Byway (Montana & Wyoming)*
National Scenic Byways
Talladega Scenic Drive (Alabama)
Kaibab Plateau - North Rim Parkway (Arizona)
Crowley's Ridge Parkway (Arkansas & Missouri*)
Death Valley Scenic Byway (California)
Tioga Road/Big Oak Flat Road (California)
Frontier Pathways Scenic and Historic Byway (Colorado)
Gold Belt Tour Scenic and Historic Byway (Colorado)*
Grand Mesa Scenic and Historic Byway (Colorado)
Santa Fe Trail Scenic and Historic Byway (Colorado and New Mexico)
Top of the Rockies (Colorado)
Connecticut State Route 169 (Connecticut)
Merritt Parkway (Connecticut)
Tamiami Trail Scenic Highway (Florida)*
Russell-Brasstown Scenic Byway (Georgia)*
Great River Road (Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota & Wisconsin)*
Lincoln Highway (Illinois)*
Meeting of the Great Rivers Scenic Route - extension (Illinois)*
The National Road (Illinois* & Indiana)
Ohio River Scenic Route (Illinois, Indiana & Ohio)
Loess Hills Scenic Byway (Iowa)*
Creole Nature Trail (Louisiana)
Old Canada Road Scenic Byway (Maine)*
Rangeley Lakes Scenic Byway (Maine)*
Schoodic Scenic Byway (Maine)*
Edge of the Wilderness (Minnesota)
The Grand Rounds Scenic Byway (Minnesota)
Lake Tahoe - Eastshore Drive (Nevada)
Pyramid Lake Scenic Byway (Nevada)
Kancamagus Scenic Byway (New Hampshire)
White Mountain Trail (New Hampshire)
Billy the Kid Trail (New Mexico)
El Camino Real (New Mexico)
Jemez Mountain Trail (New Mexico)
Historic Route 66 (New Mexico)*
Turquoise Trail (New Mexico)*
Seaway Trail (New York)
Cherohala Skyway (North Carolina & Tennessee)
CanalWay Ohio Scenic Byway (Ohio)*
Cascade Lakes Scenic Byway (Oregon)
McKenzie Pass-Santiam Pass Scenic Byway (Oregon)
Outback Scenic Byway (Oregon)
Pacific Coast Scenic Byway (Oregon)
West Cascades Scenic Byway (Oregon)*
Ashley River Road (South Carolina)*
Cherokee Foothills Scenic Highway (South Carolina)
Savannah River Scenic Byway (South Carolina)
The Native American Scenic Byway (South Dakota)
Peter Norbeck Scenic Byway (South Dakota)
The Energy Loop: Huntington & Eccles Canyons Scenic Byways (Utah)*
Flaming Gorge-Uintas Scenic Byway (Utah)
Nebo Loop Scenic Byway (Utah)
Mountains to Sound Greenway - I-90 (Washington)
Strait of Juan de Fuca Highway - SR 112 (Washington)*
The Coal Heritage Trail (West Virginia)
Highland Scenic Highway (West Virginia)
Midland Trail (West Virginia)*
Washington Heritage Trail (West Virginia)*