U.S. DOT Grant to Improve Palm Beach Public Transportation

Contact: Doug Hecox, 202-366-0660
FHWA 19-04f
Buses in Palm Beach are more likely to arrive on time, thanks to a Federal Highway Administration grant worth more than $300,000 for the improvement of the county's public transportation system, U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta announced today.
"Better bus service helps keep people and economies moving in local communities," said Secretary Mineta. "As our economy continues driving ahead, the Bush Administration continues investing in projects that fuel opportunity and prosperity in communities across America."
The $321,954 grant will help Palm Tran expand and improve its technology and dispatch system to ensure buses are running on time and responding to changes in traffic patterns and ridership. The improvements will help reduce traffic congestion, Secretary Mineta said.
"President Bush knows that investments in America's transportation infrastructure helps Florida by ensuring that goods make it to store shelves, and that drivers get to their jobs and home again safely and on time," said Federal Highway Administrator Mary E. Peters.