U.S. DOT Grant to Fund U.S. 50 Upgrade Near Lake Tahoe

Contact: Doug Hecox, 202-366-0660
FHWA 19-04a
A new Federal Highway Administration grant of almost a half a million dollars will help improve a key route through the Lake Tahoe area, U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta announced today.
The $420,437 grant will help improve a four-mile section of Kingsbury Grade from U.S. 50 to Daggett Pass. Improvements include erosion control, water quality enhancement and measures to prevent rock falls. The road carries approximately 12,000 vehicles per day and is a primary route to a ski resort, golf course and Carson Valley.
"The improvements funded by this grant will increase safety of the road for Lake Tahoe's residents and visitors while also protecting the environment around this national treasure," Secretary Mineta said.
"President Bush knows that transportation investments are ensuring that goods make it to store shelves, and helping California and Nevada drivers get to their jobs and home again safely and on time," said Federal Highway Administrator Mary E. Peters.