U.S. Department of Transportation Provides $13.2 Million for Connecticut I-95 Repairs

Contact: Brian Keeter, 202-366-0660
FHWA 2-04
U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta today made available $13.2 million to Connecticut for I-95 recovery and repair. The relief money is being released in the wake of last Thursday's truck accident in Bridgeport.
The funds will come from two sources. The Department will provide $2 million in emergency relief funds to the state. In addition, Connecticut will be allowed to redirect $11.2 million in federal highway funds to be used for bridge repair and recovery.
"I-95 is crucial to Connecticut, the Northeast and the country and that is why it is so important to the President and me that we invest in keeping America's economy moving," said Secretary Mineta. "Today's down payment is about more than building a new bridge; it's about delivering on the promise transportation brings to the economy."
The funds made available today will help state and local officials pay for the repairs underway on the I-95 bridge in Bridgeport damaged in last week's truck accident. The money can be used to reimburse first responders and offset related costs such as detours, extra train service, public information systems, traffic controls and other accident-related measures.
The Federal Emergency Relief Program provides funds for the repair or reconstruction of federal-aid highways damaged by natural disasters or catastrophic failures from external causes.
In addition, the Department's Federal Highway Administration can allow states to redirect existing highway money to pay for transportation recovery and reconstruction efforts.