U.S. Department of Transportation Announces $5 Million TIGER Grant for Carlisle Connectivity Project

FHWA 44-16
Contact: Neil Gaffney
Tel.: (202) 366-0660
Project will improve access to redeveloped areas, transit and bike-ped network
CARLISLE, Pa. – U.S. Deputy Transportation Secretary Victor Mendez was on hand today to announce a $5 million grant for a Carlisle Connectivity project. Once completed, the new project will improve a deteriorating network of state and local roads, enhance access to public transit, and create more mobility for bicyclists and pedestrians. The initiative – part of a larger city-wide improvement effort called the Greater Carlisle Project – is one of many federally funded transportation projects in 32 states, two U.S. territories and 40 communities nationwide selected to receive approximately $484.5 million under the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) FY 2016 Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program.
“The Greater Carlisle Project exemplifies the virtues of a connected community working to revitalize itself,” said Deputy Secretary Mendez. “Helping communities improve their local infrastructure gives residents and visitors alike the opportunity to enjoy a stronger, safer and more vibrant community.”
Carlisle Connectivity will upgrade regional corridors and install roundabouts to improve safety. The project will reestablish the neighborhood street grid as connected, complete streets, with walking, traffic calming, and bicycle lane features. The project also includes intersection improvements, transit facility upgrades, and green infrastructure for better stormwater treatment. These improvements will help anchor ongoing brownfield revitalization in the area.
“Helping the people of Carlisle strengthens the region,” said Federal Highway Administrator Gregory Nadeau, referring to the USDOT’s community connection initiative. “The improvements to local roads, safer intersections and more mobility for bicyclists and pedestrians made possible by this grant will revitalize the area.”
Since 2009, the TIGER grant program has provided a combined $5.1 billion to 421 projects in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands and tribal communities. These federal funds leverage money from private sector partners, states, local governments, metropolitan planning organizations and transit agencies. The FY 2016 TIGER round alone is leveraging approximately $484.5 million in federal investment to support $1.74 billion in overall transportation investments.
Demand for the FY 2016 TIGER grant program continued to far exceed available funds; the DOT received 585 eligible applications from all 50 States, and several U.S. territories, tribal communities, cities, and towns throughout the United States, collectively requesting over $9.3 billion in funding. During the previous seven rounds, the Department received more than 7,300 applications requesting more than $143 billion for transportation projects across the country.
Notably, of the 40 grant recipients this year, nearly two-thirds are repeat applicants. The USDOT has made a concerted effort to provide technical assistance to applicants to improve their projects.
TIGER funding is provided in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, signed by President Obama on Dec. 18, 2015. This Act does not provide dedicated funding for the planning, preparation, or design of capital projects, but such activities may be eligible to the extent that they are part of an overall construction project. A minimum of 20 percent of funds will go to projects in rural areas.
Click here for additional information on individual TIGER grants.
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